                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


On 16/03/2008, anand virgincar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     Dear Goanetters ,
>     Statements have been made by Digamber Kamat and other
>     Congress politicians as well as by the Goa police trying to
>     shift the blame on Scarlette Keelings mum for leaving her
>     alone in Goa..............
............... COME ON , RAVI....if you have the slightest honour left ,
>     go on and defend it. File a libel case and sue this woman
>     who you and your police are trying to run down by using
>     below the belt tactics. Here is some more help from Bab
>     Gabe Menezes on how to go about it :
>     http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/actionnetwork/A1183394
>     By the way , we are assuming our home minister ( or his
>     close family ) do not have a " strong nexus " with the Goan
>     drug mafia as claimed by Fiona.
>     regards,
>     anand
>    ( Dr Anand Virgincar )

RESPONSE: As mentioned by Ze Colaco, English law does not rule in
India, so the link I provided is of no use.

We all have sympathy with Fiona and her family on the loss of her
daughter. Even though,  in all this she has not been above board.
Everything that transpired is the fault of someone else. She should
first and foremost put up her hand and say sorry, while accepting a
good deal of the blame.

Today's Daily mail has an article claiming that the family receive
£500 income support a week. No wonder they are in Goa Rupees 40,000 or
thereabouts income a week, sure goes a long way. I wonder how she
intended to continue diddling the U.K. authorities, while not actually
living in the U.K.

How many more of these kind of people, do we have living at the U.K.
taxpayers expense, in Goa ?

The article :-

Scarlett's mum: The sad truth is that she was only behaving as MPs expect her to
00:37am 17th March 2008 Comments Comments

Peter Mckay
While 15-year-old Scarlett Keeling lies in an Indian mortuary after
being raped and murdered on a Goan beach, her mother, Fiona MacKeown,
43, goes to war against local officialdom.

First she accuses the police - who said Scarlett had drowned
accidentally - of covering up Scarlett's murder. Two men have since
been accused of the killing and detained for questioning.

Now she says the police and local politicians are involved in Goa's
drugs trade and this is what led to the attempted cover-up of her
daughter's murder.

Scroll down for more...
Fiona MacKeown

Cheek? Fiona MacKeown should have an inkling of an idea why she has
been criticised but she is only taking her lead from both major
political parties

Are these the actions of a courageous, grief-stricken mother? Perhaps
so, but her campaign also looks like an attempt to avoid censure for
having left Scarlett in the care of a 24-year-old tour guide she
hardly knew, while she travelled with the rest of her children to
explore another region of India.

With her hippy clothes, unsightly lip-ring and dependence on social
security, Ms MacKeown personifies a parental lifestyle detested by
many people on the Left and the Right.

But the awkward truth is that her children don't exactly conform to
those of the stereotypical feckless single parent.

Instead of being "feral" and "dysfunctional", they're described as
bright, polite and confident.

Deputy headmaster Mike Furber, who taught them in Devon, says: "I have
nothing but admiration for what [Ms MacKeown] has done with those
kids. She gave them choices and, yes, it has backfired horrifically,
but I think this could have backfired for any other family."

Not quite right. How many mothers on benefit take eight of their nine
children on six-month Indian holidays, and subsequently leave their
15-year-old daughter with strangers?

To say the least, this was lazy, selfish behaviour.

But neither do Ms MacKeown's children seem to be the kind of violent,
anti-social monsters all single-parent households are supposed to
produce: you know, knife-wielding psychopaths who kill blameless
householders trying to save their cars from vandalism.

"I just don't know why [the Press] are attacking me when I'm in such a
bad situation," says Ms MacKeown, who - given that she's 43, has had
nine children by five men and lives on benefit - should have an
inkling of why she's being criticised.

She lives in two caravans in Devon and was able to take her clan on a
six-month holiday in India - what did their schools have to say? -
only by putting aside money from her £500-a-week social security

Wouldn't it be a blessing if other large families on benefit spent six
months a year in India, or longer?

After she and her brood left to explore a neighbouring province,
Scarlett went bar-hopping with a girl friend, took a cocktail of drugs
and, according to a witness, ended up "wasted, talking gibberish",
providing easy prey for sexual predators.

How she died doesn't bear thinking about.

Given that the 15-year-old was evidently allowed a lot of freedom by
her mother - Ms MacKeown says she was given none by her mother, which
led to an estrangement - it's possible she would have been raped and
murdered even if the family had all remained in Goa. Or in Devon.

At first, I was astonished by Fiona MacKeown's cheek, behaving as if
the world owes her family a living.

But both major political parties accept now that "the world" -
taxpayers, in this instance - owes those who choose not to work, or
can't find suitable work, a living which allows them to holiday abroad
if they're frugal.

Despite her lip-ring and exasperating manner, Fiona MacKeown didn't
invent this loafers' paradise.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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