                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Yesterday I attended one birthday party where the topic of discussion was
Scarlett Keeling murder case. Discussion started with first and second
autopsy report and latter moved on to Scarlett's mother and finally
concluded with generalized talk on the prevailing scenario. Towards the end
of discussion one elderly person briefed the group on what Dr. Nandakumar
Kamat had to say in his article titled Moral Externalities of Coastal
Tourism. As told by that elderly person Dr. Nandakumar Kamat cites three
reasons to sum up the growing nuisance along the coastal tourism in Goa.
According to Dr. Nandakumar, First reason is due to the social subsidy - the
accommodation and tolerance by the local people who smelt windfall income
from beach tourism. Second being the moral subsidies liberally granted by
the religious leaders who are afraid of losing their support because
practical economic offers make more sense to the people than moral and
spiritual lectures. Third, the legal subsidies extended by the state, which
actually are not expected to show mercy to anyone, breaking the law. Thus
the proverbial "long arm" of the law gets paralyzed when it comes to taking
legal actions on unwanted happenings. The very same elderly gentlemen also
briefed the group about the NDTV News channel showing the footage of a sting
operation which claimed that Home Minister Ravi Naik's son Roy Naik is
involved in the criminal and illegal narcotics drug trade in Goa!! He even
told us about a small front page report of the same that appeared on
Wednesday edition of Tarun Bharat. 

>From the very discussion I gather that Goans must take up Scarlett Keeling
murder case as a wake-up call. Demand for CBI inquiry in Scarlett Keeling's
episode including narcotic drug trading that is going on in Goa. Today under
the pretext of Tourism Industry we see these trades flourishing beyond one's
expectations. The Goan politicians have become a laughing stock worldwide
and our joker politicians are still busy making their silly comments about
their honesty.  While Goa's reputation as paradise destination is definitely
growing towards dark and violent side world over. We see this happening and
instead of us getting united to drive the evil out of our society we are
getting busy arguing amongst us pointing fingers to each others. Goans must
get united to achieve one single mission i.e. clean Goa of Corrupt
Politicians no matter even if we have to create and empower Goan Bal

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

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