                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008



Vinay Natekar should do some homework before he writes. Ravi Sitaram
Naik was the Deputy CM in Manohar Parrikar's cabinet and a top shot in
the BJP party [President, too, if I remember right]. He became bad the
moment he left the BJP. He is a member of the BSNL ..the Bhandari
Samaj Network Limited ....the vote bank that the BJP continues to woo
through Shripad Naik.

In today's posting Rajan Parrikar has stated his caste which,
incidentally is the same as the other "Prabhu Parrikars" including
Manohar bab, whom he ardently supports. So who is casteist dear Vinay?

Digambar Kamat replaced Ravi Naik as the Minister No.2 in the
Manohar-bab cabinet. Unfortunately, he also jumped the ship ...and
became casteist? He is a GSB like manohar-bab, but of a superior
...and smarter ...gothra! He is a Sahaxtti [66] GSB of the likes of
Mhalu Pai Vernekar of 1510 A.D. ...not a Xenvi or Shenoy or Xann-nav
[96] GSB

I agree that Antonio de Oliveira Salazar was a good adminitrator even
while he was a dictator. I cannot say the same thing abour Manohar-bab
during his SECOND TERM 2002-January 2005 because:
1. The malevolent and malicious superimposition of IFFI dates on dates
for the Fama, Novenas and Feast of St.Francis Xavier [24 Noivember to
03 December] failed to diminish the fervour of the devout people who
continue to come for the feast ...even on foot from Mumbai, Sawantwadi
and Ratnagiri.

2. The placement of GSBs in key posts, specially the Horticulture
Corporation to break the Muslim control of the vegetable trade in Goa
through the much touted "Krishi Bazars" , flopped. The Vegetable
Vendors Society [registered in 1967] approached the Panaji Bench of
the Bombay High Court after a Krishi Bazar outlet was set up at
Panaji's KTC bus stand and got a judicial injunction in its favour.
That put paid to the "conversion" of the vegetable trade. [To his
credit, Digamber Kamat is trying out the same strategy now. Old habits
die hard. There is lobbying for the Goa Board of Education post right

3. The surreptitious distribution, in person through ADEIs and other
officers of the Education Dept., of the VCD entitled GOA FREEDOM
STRUGGLE [with script scrutinized by a committee headed by a Communist
with a Catholic-sounding name, Comrade Flaviano Dias] on 18 December,
2004 to schools throughout Goa with ORAL instructions to screen it
after flag hoisting on Goa Liberation Day 19 Dec. bombed, and bombed

It is another matter that he has REFUSED to admit it as a MISTAKE and
calls it an oversight or misunderstanding [it was only meant to be
kept in the school libraries for reference for history projects] when
it was given high priority for distribution on 18 December, 2004, by
the Education Minister [the self-same Manohar bab] WITHOUT taking his
cabinet colleagues into confidence [I gave his Tourism Minister,
Matanhy Saldanha, a copy to see for himself what his CM was doing].

It is anmother matter that the land conversion for the HARA project in
St.Cruz and many other projects took place ... allegedly for a hefty
price...when Mr. Prakash Fadte was the TCP Minister during the FIRST
TERM of Manohar-bab as CM. It is still another matter that the BJP was
responsible for the defeat of Prakash to GSB Harish Zantye [of the
Congress Party], who could not be given a BJP nomination because
Prakash, an incumbent minister, pre-empted it by filing his nomination

Vinay needs to do a lot of homework if he wants to post on Goanet.
This humbug he can pop off elsewhere among his friends. Perhaps, Rajan
Parrikar will buy it ...at a discount!

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 16:04:18 -0400
From: "J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Come on Ravi....your reputation is our reputation

Vinay Natekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1: a vast section of our Goan voters are ignorant, corrupt and casteist.

2: This is one of the reason why we vote the current vacuous
politicians in ruling  Congress  consistently  in spite of knowing
that they are fraud and criminals.

3: So it is the time we should consider of bringing  back a able
administrator like Parrikar to power forgetting  our religious and
caste differences  for the development of Goa.


jc's response:

re 1:  Is Mr. Natekar telling us that those who do not vote for the
BJP are "ignorant, corrupt and casteist" ?

re 2: Who are these "current vacuous politicians in ruling  Congress"
... and were they in the BJP at any time in the past?

re 3: I fully agree that Manohar Parrikar would be able to adminster
Goa better than the present dispensation is allowed to.

I suggest that Manohar Parrikar is the one who forgot to forget 'our
religious and caste differences  for the development of Goa' .......
enough to fund that horribly divisive and bogus VideoCD.

 after all, even Antonio Oliveira Salazar was initially - an able administrator!



Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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