> To Goanet -
> What's this, Comrade Einstein, a devastating comeback 
> or what?  Of course, the MLA of Panjim is the very first 
> fellow I took my case to.  What's more, I found out that
> he was already seized with the issues.

As usual, when you don't have anything really meaningful to say,
the strategy is clear -- engage in invective, ridicule, labelling
and ad hominem attacks.

All this does not obscure the bottom line of your response --
which is that MP has done absolutely nothing to tackle these problems.

> When one is out of power one's options are very limited, 
> even more so when the slate of CCP corporators is also 
> controlled by the other side. 

It is generally known that the BJP has a lot of power and
influence within the CCP. Even assuming that it is controlled
solely by Babush, Manohar Parrikar keeps hopping in and out of bed
with Babush every few months when his desperation for the CM's
chair becomes too intense to resist. Next time he's all cosy with
Babush, do find out if he can spare some time from his
machinations to topple the government and find a few  moments to
do something for Panjim.

> When Manohar Parrikar was 
> in power he DID show how Panjim could be managed.

This is really rich. All that Manohar Parrikar DID for Panjim when
he was in power was to indulge in his usual megalomania and
bluster. He wanted to convert Goa into Singapore (which,
incidentally, is a totalitarian police state). He dropped a
turd called INOX on Panjim -- and did it at five times the
legitimate cost (where the rest of the money was channelled is
anybody's guess). He wished IFFI on Panjim in perpetuity. During
the first year of IFFI, when he was in power, on the principle of
if-they-don't-have-bread-let-them-eat-cake he converted the whole
area into a circus, causing massive traffic jams and making life a
living hell for the residents. The garbage problem continued
during his reign. He unveiled the grandiose CCP plan which met
with vociferous opposition. So he implemented a truncated version,
which has only increased the costs without any attendant benefit
over the earlier municipal model. It was as a result of some
mysterious plan he had that the municipal garden was dug up and
destroyed. Mala and Fontainhas vandalism took place. Oh yes, not
to forget, when he was in power he anointed Babush the TCP
minister, enabling him to dream up and implement plans for the
destruction not only of Panjim but of the whole of Goa.

You know, given all this, I think I will withdraw my request that
Parrikar actually do something for his constituency. It is better
that he continues to do nothing rather than put in a performance
like that again.

> Parrikar has been trying to resolve the garbage issue for 
> weeks and has worked the ministers and authorities 
> concerned (the issue was brought up during this Assembly 
> session) but this is a non-functioning Digambar Kamat 
> administration.  This is not merely my view - this view 
> has been expressed time and again by the Justices in 
> the High Court over the past few months IN A VARIETY 
> OF DIFFERENT CASES!  Has Comrade been in coma all 
> this time?

Yes, we have noticed. Unfortunately you don't seem to have noticed
that this is very much a continuity in Goan governance, the
Parrikar regime included. Are you seriously expecting us to
believe that Panjim/Goa has been on a steady decline all the time
except for when the great man was in power? Do you believe it
yourself? If you do, you need to examine exactly who is in a coma.

> Finally - regardless of the political cast at the helm, I would
> urge the citizens to remain actively involved.  This must be
> a novel idea to the Comrade, citizen participation and all.

While your efforts with the writ petition are laudable, it ill
behoves someone who has just returned to Goa after a long absence
to go around mocking and ridiculing others. In any case, such
pissing matches are very tedious, and I leave you to play them all
by yourself.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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