The word "foreigners" require definition. Does this apply to Goans that have settled abroad for economic reasons are regarded as foreigners for the purpose of this regulaltion/law? The Russians the British the Jews etc including outsiders from within India should be banned completely from purchasing not only land but established Goan homes and news appartments etc. They may be allowed to rent but not buy outright. Goa has been a peaceful state but now it has become a den for speculators drug barons prostitution merchants in order words introducing all that is immoral that have destroyed the west. People can visist as tourists but as individuals they contribute nothing that is worthwhile for Goans.Why does Goa need casinos when it is well recognized fact that these dens are run under the auspices of mafia There are other ways and means to attract tourists but casinos? go to Las Vegas (to name only one such prominent location) GOA FOR GOANS!!!.

Frank de Barros

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