> From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] MP and Panjim (was Why Manohar is not CM today)
> Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:
>> > As usual, when you don't have anything really meaningful to say,
>> > the strategy is clear -- engage in invective, ridicule, labelling
>> > and ad hominem attacks.
> Let's clarify this a bit: I rubbish the Comrade's piffle 
> and he cries foul about my manner.  When Dr. Virgincar 
> makes his case in the most courteous manner 
> possible, he declaims it as a "whitewash."  Only the 
> Marxists can attempt this - point fingers at others 
> for doing something they themselves habitually 
> practice.

Rajan Parrikar and I have been taking issue with each other on
various subjects on this forum for many months now. In all this
period, I have been at pains not to use foul, abusive language, to
avoid communal talk and stereotyping, to avoid labelling, etc.,
while continuing to make my points, about which I feel strongly.
Whether I have succeeded or not I leave to the members of this
forum to judge.

Mr. Parrikar, on the other hand, does not appear to be bound by
any such rules of elementary courtesy. He appears pathologically
incapable of making even a single post without seeking to
denigrate, humiliate, abuse, belittle, mock, or ridicule somebody
or the other. Often, rather than restrict his broadsides to any
one person, he targets entire communities, probably on the
principle of wholesale being better than retail.

You know, one can make quite scathing critiques without stooping
to such levels. One can make very strong, trenchant points without
being communal and engaging in name-calling. Make strong
social and political points by all means, but what is achieved by
the kind of invective and bile that Mr. Parrikar seems to
specialize in whenever he posts?

> Months ago, when I first talked on Goanet about the 
> corrosive ghati menace in Panjim (and Goa), Gadgil
> sauntered in peddling his obscurantist apologia.  
> In the months since, the mythology he had imagined 
> for the ghati hordes has been decisively busted.  So 
> what does he do now?  

As to the whole issue of migrants, let me state my position once
again. I have never denied that uncontrolled influxes of migrants
into any place creates problems, you can re-read my various
articles for verification of this. I grew up in Pune when it was a
fantastic place; seeing what it has become now makes me want to weep.

But the whole issue has to be approached in a rational manner. As
I (and far better people than me) have repeatedly stated, there
needs to be a just, transparent, pro-people development policy to
tackle the problem.

Irrational name-calling and branding of entire communities is not
helpful in this regard. It only excites base passions and leads to
the communalization, polarization, and fragmentation of society,
without providing any meaningful answers. There is something
within me that rebels against targeting poor, struggling people,
who are just trying to survive in extremely difficult
circumstances. If that makes me a bleeding-heart 'obscurantist',
so be it.

Let me illustrate what I mean, by introducing a personal note. I
spent a few years of my childhood in the UK. That was the heyday
of Enoch Powell and the BNP and their anti-migrant rhetoric (does
anybody here remember all that "rivers of blood" stuff?). My
father was part of the academic community, and we lived in an
all-white neighbourhood and I attended an all-white school. The
British are pretty nice people overall (like most people all over
the world), but the mood created by Powell led to a situation
where the nicest word I was called in school was 'wog', and I was
beaten up on a daily basis in the schoolyard for the sin of being

The UK has moved on since then, and is now trying to tackle the
issue in a more rational manner. But the legacy of Enoch Powell is
still alive and kicking, as anybody who lives in the UK will
testify. And that is what I do not want to see happening in Goa,
where I now live. Powell solved no problems, only created many,
many more. He did irreparable, long-lasting damage to the social
atmosphere in the UK.

Certainly let us tackle the issue of migration. But let us do so
in a rational manner -- not engage in inflammatory, communal talk
and xenophobia. It is a slippery slope once you decide to take
that path.

> But all this is beside the point.  The provenance 
> of the latest round of whingeing is "generally known" 
> to those who know the ways of the Indian Marxists.  
> It is the realization that the days of unfettered and
> unchallenged shoveling of sludge about Hindus, 
> Hindu politics and "communalism" (by which he 
> means Hindu communalism) on Goanet are numbered.  
> That Goan Hindus like I are not going to play possum.  

Again, I leave this forum to judge who is "whingeing" here. I try
to make my arguments on the basis of facts and figures. That is
conspicuous by its absence in Mr. Parrikar's posts. All we have is
the same old invective, fire, and brimstone with very little
substance. For example, could we have some factual refutation of
the points made about Manohar Parrikar and the BJP's track record,
instead of all this empty, yet poisonous, rhetoric?

Also, let me point out a fallacy in your reasoning here. Being
opposed to the communal politics of the RSS/BJP does not mean
being anti-Hindu. The RSS/BJP are in no way representative of
Hinduism/Hindus, just as Osama bin Laden/Al-Qaeda are not
representative of Muslims, nor Jerry Falwell/Moral Majority of
Christians. All these characters and organisations are
representative only of their own extremist agendas and perverted
thinking, not of the communities of which they try to set
themselves up as representatives.

The Sangh Parivar has been trying this game for a long time.
Criticize them and they scream that you are anti-Hindu. Sorry, but
it doesn't work.

> The anti-Hindu Marxist brigade had 
> calculated - correctly - that it takes only a few 
> chosen keywords such as RSS, Modi, Hindutva, with 
> an arrow pointing towards BJP, to stoke Catholic 
> anxiety and incite minority fears.  This patronising 
> bhailo, cleverly pressing his Hindu name to 
> advantage, posturing as the conscientious
> self-critical Hindu, knew he would find an
> appreciative Catholic audience nodding
> agreeably at his caricature and demonization 
> of the Hindu Right.

This sick, twisted reasoning does not merit a response, and I
shall therefore treat it with the contempt it deserves and refrain
from commenting.

A few days ago I happened to be browsing through some of the
writings of that unfailing fount of wisdom, Gautama Buddha. In
ending this rather long mail, I offer some words of his, for
whatever they are worth:

Jayam ve mannati balo,
vaccaya pharusam bhanam;
jayancevassa tam hoti,
ya tittikkha vijanato.

The fool thinks he has won a battle
when he bullies others with harsh speech;
but knowing how to be forbearing,
alone makes one victorious.]

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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