Mr V Gadgil said :   All that Manohar Parrikar DID for Panjim whenhe was in  
 power was to indulge in his usual megalomania andbluster. He wanted to   
convert Goa into Singapore (which,incidentally, is a totalitarian police   
state). He dropped aturd called INOX on Panjim -- and did it at five times   
thelegitimate cost (where the rest of the money was channelled isanybody's   
guess). He wished IFFI on Panjim in perpetuity. Duringthe first year of   IFFI, 
when he was in power, on the principle   
ofif-they-don't-have-bread-let-them-eat-cake he converted the wholearea into   
a circus, causing massive traffic jams and making life aliving hell for the   
   Mr P Thomas added :   One thing that could be added to this IFFI litany is 
the mucking up of   drains along the arterial roads during the crash (no pun 
intended) job. This   created havoc the following year when there was a heavier 
than normal   monson. MP cooly washed his hands off of this by blaming the 
latter and the   people of Panjim swallowed the line without demur! I concur 
with the view   that MP may be afflicted by megalomania. At least he lacks an 
administrative   sense of long term perspective badly needed in Goa and would 
not be suitable   as a CM unless there are severe checks and balances on his 
headstrong   actions.
   My comments :
   As I said , the days of flinging accusations at MP on Goanet without 
   factual proof are long gone.
   I will answer some of the allegations above , which are entirely justified. 
   rest are indicative of a visceral hatred.May I please request the gentlemen 
   above to select the questions which apply to their statements and provide
   me with facts to support their allegations.
   # "The INOX cost 5 times the legitimate expenditure". 
   Can we please have the financial figures to back this claim. Can we also have
   the figures on expenditures for IFFI 2005/2006/2007 and details of what the
   monies were spent on ( for comparison.)
   # "IFFI 2004 made life a living hell for residents".
   What made life a living hell for residents ( besides traffic jams...which 
occur in
   Goan cities on a daily basis, and were clearly more likely to occur when an 
   of this scale was being organised in Goa for the first time ) ?
   #" He wished IFFI on Goa for perpetuity"
   Can you please provide evidence that MP forced successive governments to
   continue with IFFI.Also that successive governments made attempts to get
   IFFI moved out of Goa.
   # " MP washed his hands off the flooding of Panjim in 2005 by blaming the
   unusually heavy monsoons "
   Please provide factual data as to what MP said. Also provide evidence that
   the unusually heavy rains were not a contributory cause.
   # " MP lacks an administrative sense of long term perspective "
   Please provide the name of any other politician in Goa who has a better
   administrative sense of long term perspective ( with reasons why you feel
   so ).
   Lets get one thing very clear , my friends. I have no blind affiliation to 
   My blind affiliation is to Goa. I consider MP merely as the instrument most
   likely to help us in our task of getting the Goan ship back on even keel. I
   do not consider MP an angel or a messiah. His faults are aplenty. And I am
   prepared to admit these faults. But please, please, do not make baseless
   allegations about him . It makes one wonder as to the agenda of those
   making these allegations.
   warm regards,
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