Once upon a time there was a King who had 4 wives.
He loved his 4th wife very much; and used to shower her with beautiful 
presents, jewellery, and expensive clothes. He used to give her the best of 
He also loved his 3rd wife a lot; and loved to show off her beauty to 
neighbouring Sovereigns; so much so, that he was scared that she might leave 
him for some other King.
He also loved his 2nd wife. She was his adviser and was always there for him, 
with love and patience. Whenever the king was faced with a problem, he trusted 
her to overcome the difficult times.
The 1st wife was a very loyal partner, and would do all within her means to 
keep the king very rich and powerful; him and his kingdom. But, he didn’t love 
his 1st wife, and in spite of her profound love, he used to ignore her.
One day the king fell ill, and realised his end was near. He thought of all 
luxuries in his lifetime and pondered: “Yes, now I have 4 wives with me, but 
when I die, how many of them could I rely on?”
Then he asked his 4th wife: “I have loved you very much, my love; I have draped 
you in the finest of clothes and jewellery. I showed you how much I loved you 
by taking good care of you. Now that I am dying, will you die with me so I will 
not be lonely?”
“Under no circumstances.” replied the 4th wife; and left the room without even 
looking back.
The reply cut the heart of the king like a sharp knife passing through. 
Saddened, the king then asked the 3rd wife: “I loved you also my whole life. 
Now that I am dying, will you also die with me not to keep me lonely?”
“No!” replied the 3rd wife. “Life is great! After your death, I will marry 
The king’s heart bled and froze in deep pain.
He then asked the 2nd wife: “I always beseeched you when I required help, and 
you were always by my side. When I die, will you die with me to keep me 
“I am deeply sorrowed; but this time I cannot do what you ask!” Replied the 2nd 
“The maximum I can do is performing your burial.”
This answer came as a bolt of thunder to the king’s head, and once more he was 
Then, a voice made itself heard: “I will leave with you and follow you wherever 
you go...”
The king lifted his eyes and there was his 1st wife, so thin, so malnourished, 
so miserable... 
With a broken heart, the king said: “I should have taken much better care of 
you when I could...”
In truth, we all have 4 wives in our lives... 
Our 4th wife is our body. In spite of all the love and effort we put in to 
maintain it healthy and beautiful, it will leave us when we die...
Our 3rd wife, are our possessions, our properties, our riches. When we die, all 
these go to others. 
Our 2nd wife, are our family and friends. Even though we love them very much 
and are always there to help us, the maximum they can do is perform our 
And our 1st wife is our SOUL, many times kept in the side lines for bothering 
us throughout our lifetime; about the Riches, the Power and the Pleasures of 
our Ego...
In spite of all this, our Soul is the only thing that will always go with us, 
it does not matter where...
So...  Culture...     Fortify...   Sanctify...   Ennoble...   your  SOUL 
NOW!!!It is the greatest gift you can give the world...  and to yourself.
Let it shine !!! 


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.
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