Dr Anand Virgincar wrote on goanet:
>>What I cannot understand , is how a freelancer claiming to be a Niz
Goenkar can write the >>article below without realising the stark
raving obvious fact that the reason the poor child's >>death desreved
whatever media attention it got was because there was a blatantly
obvious >>cover up by the current administration in Goa ?

>>JC was on the dot when he said recently that Goan journalists have
broken every rule of fair >>journalism

To drag the entire Goan journalist fraternity and to paint them with
the same brush because of one particular column written by one Goan
journalist on one particular issue is both unfair and disappointing,
to say the least.

The author, to buttress his own point, also drags Dr Jose Colaco into
this. Dr Colaco's opinions on Goan Journos and the reasons behind the
same are well documented and known to many on this forum. They have a
lot to do with 3 particular issues, a letter written by some Raul in a
local daily several years back, another article on the Siddhis that
appeared in another local daily and the collapse of some bridge in
Daman that was accredited to the Portuguese. This author goes one step
further and endorses Dr Colaco's observations on Goan Journalism based
upon his own observations on just one single column, i.e. Fredrick
Noronha's take on the Scarlette issue, ignoring the fact that
Journalists too are human and being so are entitled to have their own
independent opinions and perceptions, which we may agree at times and
may differ on other days.

My own take is that far from being off the mark, Fredrick has raised
several pertinent points in his column. The Scarlette issue was indeed
blown out of proportion and to suggest, as Dr Anand tries to do, that
the publicity given to this sad death was because the Police made a
hash of the initial investigations would be to fly in the face of
facts. When, may I ask, have the Police performed their tasks and
duties diligently when the victim has not been an influential person
or a celebrity?

Scarlette's case is not the first time the Police have goofed up or
bungled and this certainly won't be the last. The rate of conviction
of crime in Goa is abysmally poor and the Criminal Courts have on
several occasions passed all kinds of strictures against the Police,
for similar if not worse kinds of goof-ups and bunglings. The Police
force in the State literally stinks.

I may be accused now of trying to paint the entire Police force with
the same tainted brush but 9 out of 10 would say pretty much the same
thing. Honesty, dedication and sincerity are words that just don't
seem to exist in the dictionaries of the Police force though there
would be the few stray exceptions, Bosco George, the SP who handled
the Scarlette murder, being one of them.

Dr Anand is well within his rights to dissect and be critical of
Fredrick's column but by endorsing Dr Colaco's stand on Goan journos I
think he does go a bit overboard. He would do well to review his
positions on that.

Sandeep Heble

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