By Valmiki Faleiro

Goans were adventurous. From the mid-18th century, perhaps earlier, they 
ventured to
distant shores, sometimes deep into uncharted territory. They made their 
fortunes – in
Africa, the rest of India, the Far East, the Americas – and returned home. 

Wanderlust it certainly was that paved their path to wealth. As internet 
friend, Anthony
(“Martinho”) de Souza, a retired schoolteacher from East Africa now settled in 
(who compares ‘Goan Gentiles’ to the Jewish Diaspora) says, “My grandfather 
went to
German East Africa out of a spirit of adventure.”

Early Goan adventurers, though, were few.

The exodus truly began after Goa’s intermittent occupation by the British, 
between 1798
and 1815. The British saw in the Goan what the Portuguese had failed to notice 
in the
three centuries before. Retreating British civil and military officers took 
back with them
the ABC of Goan household staff … Ayahs, Butlers, Cooks. Thus began the 
(but mostly mocked) institution of Goan “cooks and butlers.”

The British also observed that the local school system produced honest young men
employable as clerks. They took them in large numbers not only to British India 
but to
British Africa as well. Thus sprang the second, and major, middle-class segment 
Goan expatriates, the celebrated ‘Bomboicar’ and ‘Afrikcar.’

The British also saw potential in youngsters from coastal Goa. Some thousands 
hired as ratings in the Royal Navy. In time, British shipping companies like BI and 
absorbed huge numbers of able-bodied Goans as their kitchen, saloon and cabin 
Thus started the third celebrated institution of the Goan ‘Tarvoti.’

The triumvirate of Goan émigrés was complete. The booming Arabian Gulf was 
still half
a century away, off-shore oil rigs and cruise liners another half century after 

Today, the number of Goan expatriates in various parts of India and the world 
would be
in multiples of Goans back home. There are more Goas in the world than Goa.

The community of Non Resident Goans can be divided, as I do, into two basic 
NRG-Type 1 and NRG-Type 2. Type 1 is the regular Goan expatriate. He is based
somewhere in India, or works on cruise liners, the merchant navy, or is a ‘Gulf 
For gainful employment, he is compelled to be away from home and hearth. If 
India, he travels on an Indian passport. The defining characteristic of Type 1 
is that he is
essentially homebound, returns to the land of his ancestors every vacation and 
certainly will after retirement. True to the pioneers.

Type 2 is a class apart. He fanned out into the wide world either directly from 
or from/via Africa, Portugal or the Gulf. He is invariably settled in a 
developed country
(UK, continental Europe, USA, Canada, South America, Australia or now, in 
numbers, in New Zealand.) He travels on a foreign passport, now maybe also on an
Indian one under India’s dual nationality scheme. Even if he retains his Indian 
he falls in Type 2 if he is settled in a developed country with his family. The 
characteristic of Type 2 is he is Goa-bound only at heart. He will never return 
to Goa on
a permanent basis.

There is another marked characteristic of Type 2, as any resident Goan 
subscribed to
any of the several Goa-centric cyber fora will testify. Type 2 is loudest in 
wailing for Goa,
never forgetting to pontificate on why and how Goans in Goa need to save Goa!

A stray Type 1 exception, however, is akin to Type 2. He is an Nth generation 
whose forebears settled somewhere in India ages ago. He may visit Goa as a 
tourist. He
knows not the native village of his ancestors, much less any family or 
relatives in Goa.

So, briefly, we have two types of NRGs or Goan expatriates: 1. the Non Resident 
and, 2. the Non Returning Goan.

Many friends in Type 2 migrated “only to provide (their) children a better 
Never grudge that. They have retained Indian nationality. And swear they will 

They never will. The reason is simple. Once the kids grow up in the milieu of 
they will never want to resettle in Goa/India. The kids will pursue careers, 
marry and
raise their families in the adopted country. Would parents return to Goa when 
the kids
and their families are abroad? What for? To live in some Home for the Aged?

When a reverse migration starts if India emerges as the world’s largest economy 
half a
century hereafter, those same kids will curse their parents for having sold the 
property in India’s paradise called Goa… (To conclude.)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the April 13, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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