Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:31:50 +0100
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To try to illuminate a non believer is wasted energy.
Most if not all, on this forum believe in present
causes of global warming.
Mario responds:
You seem to have missed the fact that presently there
is global cooling taking place, and the long term
warming is taking place at only 0.14 C PER DECADE
according to an IPCC lead author Dr. John Christy, so
you needn't sweat:-))
You have no way of knowing what any Goanetter who has
not expressed himself or herself believes.
I urge Goanetters to follow both sides of this issue
which is how I have learned that there is a heated
debate taking place between climate scientists on the
causes and extent of global warming.  
Also, ask yourself how any serious organization can
suggest that they can achieve a solution by exempting
all less developed countries including India and China
from the Kyoto Protocols.

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