To Goanet -

This is the state of Goa today, under Digambar
Kamat (of the "I will not do anything to harm
Goa" fame) and his coterie of the corrupt.

Illegal jetty in Verem being built by some casino
company (remember Mody of the Helipad in
Nerul fame? Is is the handiwork of the same 
guy?), construction of which was stopped 
yesterday after the villagers protested -

Further down in Kegdevelim.  You have to see it 
for yourself to feel the extent of the devastation of
the hillside.  All of it is lamentably visible from
Miramar beach -

Up on the hillock in Nerul, lots of ongoing
'development' -

Down, further up the road, a section of the hillside
has been depleted of trees.  Looks like it will
soon be 'developed' -

Non-resident Goans who have visions of
spending their post-retirement years in Goa,
please read this slowly and carefully:

You will have nothing to come back to.
All that will be left is a jungle of concrete,
with Singh, Sharma and Ghosh occupying
prime land, a teeming population of ghatis,
an ocean of shanties, and lots of excrement 
along the seaside.  Good luck.

Warm regards,


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