Dr Anand however loses the plot even more so when he
fails to mention
how, when the BJP Government was ruling the Country
with Vajpayee at
the helm, they ironically increased the grants to Haj
Pilgrims instead
of reversing this act of appeasement. The Vajpayee
incidentally had increased the Haj subsidy by 22 times
from what it
was during the Congress rule earlier.

In other words, if the Congress Party committed a
grave sin, the BJP
Government went one step further and committed a sin
22 times greater
than that committed by the earlier Congress regime.
Yes, if the
Congress is guilty of appeasements, so is the BJP,
even more so
literally. Make no mistake about that too!

To put it mildly, if the Congress Party must deserve
1000 lashes for
this act of misdemeanor, the BJP must deserve 22,000. 
 And make that
another 50 thousand more for misleading and
double-crossing their vast
legion of voters on this issue :-)

You said it perfectly Sandeep, BJP say they are
different.. but want to enjoy fruits of Ruling Party
just like congressman...a step further they dont mind
hataawing/ disapiaring views (people) in the name of
RAM or Rastra..

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