Actually there's just one Goan on the planet, for the following reasons:

40% of Goan is "non-Goan". Aren't all our politicians shouting
themselves hoarse from the rooftops?

25.6% Goans are "denationalised". Didn't T.B.Cunha talk of that, for
the saffron lobby to convenient (mis)use it towards their own goals
when it suited them?

Another 20% Goans are non-fluent in Konkani, at least in the variant
which we define as the only acceptable form.

Women don't matter in our scheme of things (aren't we the World's Best
Male Chauvinists?) so that excludes half of the remaining.

All the rest are also excluded, since we guys are just great at
excluding The Other on one ground or another.

That leaves us with just one Goan. Your guess about his identity is as
good as mine, but I think it's the letter-writer below. FN

On 16/04/2008, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To Goanet -
>  April 16, 2008: Panaji, Goa
>  In a stunning Nobel Prize-winning discovery,
>  it has now been established that there are
>  6 billion Goans on our planet.  This startling
>  discovery made by Dr. Rebello was published
>  today in the peer-reviewed scientific journal,
>  The Navhind Times.
>  Dr. Rebello proposed his novel taxonomy
>  where the world is divided into Goans and
>  anti-Goans.  Following this premise, and
>  adding in the factoid that the planet's
>  total population is 6 billion people, he
>  introduced the mathematical epsilon to
>  represent the number of people who are
>  against Goa and Goans, or "anti-Goans"
>  in his terminology.
>  Then came the Einsteinian masterstroke.
>  Dr. Rebello's crucial insight was to recognize
>  that infinity (a large number) minus epsilon (a
>  relatively small number) is still infinity.
>  Therefore, he argued -
>  6 billion Goans - epsilon anti-Goans = 6 billion Goans.
>  QED.
>  This fantabulous cockamamie theory has
>  received rave reviews from Dr. Rebello's
>  #1 fan, the valiant, forthright and amazingly
>  farsighted Chief Minister of Goa.
  • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... Mervyn Lobo

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