Dear Goans,

This message is only for those concerned, on the threat to Goa's Unique
Identity. We don't have to sacrifice our rich essence (which has developed
over a long time) or abandon our home GOA, to be part of the Global
Community. In fact, by keeping our Identity & our Home, we can contribute in
a much better/meaningful manner to India & the World. Our Identity is our key
untapped strength; preserving it will indirectly instill self-confidence,
direction, energy, values & self-pride within Goans; which will not only
maximise each ones personal ventures but also on the whole, make our
community, a powerful & well respected asset, to the Indian/Global

Various Movements in Goa have started on the same. All Goans including Non
Residents need to support and power the cause. Goa is deteriorating today
mainly because, we are letting it happen. Let's not regret tomorrow that we
did not act today. This is not about, being against other people; it is only
about preserving who we are and what Goa is, in a civilized manner. This
right applies to all Identities, across India and the World Over.

With our expertise, resources & even minimum time, we can work together as
one force and make it happen. I believe that we can do it. I believe that we
can find solutions, to most of the obstacles/anomalies. *Please see below my
proposed plan*, on how I think we should act. Kindly feed back your views,
suggestions, ideas etc, post which we can finalise an effective/organized
working document. *Please spread this message*.

*Arwin Mesquita, Abu Dhabi/Colva.   *

*Goa**'s Identity Movement    -   (Proposal) *

* *

*Mission**: **Preserve Goa's Identity via a Consistent/Persistent, Civilized
Mass Global Goan Movement.***

* *

*Rationale:  *

1)      Goa's Identity is seriously deteriorating and has undoubtedly
reached a crisis situation; it's now or never!!

2)      Can no longer allow the corrupt/greedy few in collusion with
specific outside elements, to destroy our home & our identity.

3)      Misconceptions/False Propaganda amongst/to Goans; on the need to
preserve Goa's Identity.

4)      Mistrust/Pessimism amongst Goans about various groups, persons, past
efforts etc which hamper a successful united front.

5)      Global Goans Individual Strengths put together, can have an
extremely powerful impact.

* *

*Objectives:  *

1)      Launch a Massive Co-ordinated Global Goan PR awareness, on at least
the fundamentals & need of Goa's Identity (unique selling point).

2)   Establish/establish a strong network of Global Goans to work together
with Resident Goans.

3)   Lobby for Government legislation's on Banning Sale of Land to all
Non-Goans & also Migrant Control policies.

4)   Maximize usage of Konkani (Devanagari & Roman Script) and Propagation
of Culture in Goa and with Global Goans.

5)   Propose plans for development/economy of Goa and employment of Goans in
lines with Goan Interests. (Goa by Choice for Goans)


*Safeguards:  *

1)      No political affiliations/obligations and will work solely for the
cause of Goan Identity.

2)      Need to guard against vested powers derailing a "just" movement e.g.
False Xenophobic Allegations, Quoting the constitution.

3)   A non-profit volunteer movement, which would provide sponsors with
clear account/receipts on agreed campaigns.

4)   A non violent civilized movement that will work with any group/person
irrespective, *but only for the said objectives/Goa's Identity*.

5)   Will welcome new ideas, suggestions & possible revisions to
Objectives/Action plans, if it's within the interests of Goa's Identity.

* *

*Action Plan:  *

*1)      **Launch a massive co-ordinated Global Goan PR awareness, on at
least, the fundamentals of Goa's Identity (unique selling point).*

A.     Setup a Global Website to co-ordinate the awareness campaign in
addition to other action plans.

B.     Highlight facts that most communities despite promoting
globalisation enact
controls to safeguard their identities (1) More Western

            Laws vs. immigrants (2) UAE allows non-locals to buy land with
safeguards e.g. e.g. No Expatriate Political Rights, No

            Citizenship, Restrictive Real Estate Buying laws including 99
year lease etc. to ensure that the UAE remains with its people.

C.     Monthly advertisements on Agreed Identity Basics in newspapers,
sponsored by Goans who can pay direct to the respective papers.

D.     Awareness meetings in various parts of Goa/outside Goa with
significant Goan populations. Encourage Goans to blitz the media/government.

E.      Setup an Expert Group to answer questions on misconceptions to
Goans, on at least the fundamentals of Goa's Identity.

* *

*2)      **Establish/establish a strong network of Global** Goans to work
together with Resident Goans.*

A.     Website to maintain network & respective communication. Need to
co-ordinate with all Goans irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion.

B.     Monthly Communication with Various Global Goans.

C.     Set up a database of Goans in various regions, fields, freedom
fighters, important positions (meet with them to discuss the cause).

D.     Meeting of Non Resident Goans with respective Local Goans in Goa &
outside, where significant amount of Goans reside.

E.      Take up the issue of getting NRI VOTING RIGHTS immediately with
Commissioner for NRI Affairs.

* *

*3)      **Lobby for Government legislations on Banning Sale of Land to
Non-Goans & also Migrant Control policies*.**

A.     Meet up with all 40 MLA's and address the Goa Assembly, to act on
same for safeguarding, Goa's Unique Selling Point.

B.     Get the Government to implement immediately what is possible, within
Constitution and on studying legislation's from other states.

C.     We need to seriously start looking at negotiating Constitution
Provisions, as Goa has a just basis for the same:

Ø      Have a Goan Legal team to look at all legal/historical aspects of
India's Goa acquisition dating back to the 1961. * *

Ø      Goa had no input to current constitution, i.e. India acquired Goa
later; can Goa get/demand special constitutional provisions as other states.

Ø      Surely The Constitution should decimate any Indian Identity!! It's
not cast in stone; for just basis, should be modified to protect the people.

D.     Meet with freedom fighters & people responsible for Goa's liberation
to *ascertain the facts/promises on India's acquisition of Goa. *

E.      Get the Goa Government to start an urgent dialogue with the Central
Government, on how Goa can protect its identity (unique selling point).

* *

*4) Maximize usage of Konkani (Devnagiri & Roman Script) and Propagation of
Culture in Goa and with Global** Goans.*

A.  Get the Goa Assembly to use Konkani (Devnagiri & Roman) at all
communication (business, public signs etc) in Goa.

B.  Ask Goa's Musicians of all communities to volunteer participating in a
Well Publicised Mega Star Goan Musical Show in Goa & Possibly overseas, to
POWER the Identity Issue (Local Sponsors could support setup costs in Goa;
Overseas Goans towards setup/travel/lodging costs)

D.  Meet with Goa's Cultural Communities and formulate a plan, to spearhead
a cultural revolution and spread the message via tiatrs, plays etc

C.  Emphasis via Public Relation (PR) and Press the importance of Konkani to
Goa's Identity.

E.  Convince Overseas Goan Associations to start introducing Konkani at
various events, in addition to local language/English.

*5) Propose plans for development/economy of Goa and employment, in line
with Goan Interests. (Goa by Choice for Goans)*

A. Get Facts on the current development/economic and employment policy via
RTI etc and possibly propose a complete revamp.

B. Experts to Study above in detail with SWOT methodology i.e. Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

C. Experts to propose Economic policies maximizing strengths e.g. Tourism
currently mismanaged, correct weaknesses & suggest opportunities.

D. Experts to propose Employment policies maximizing strengths e.g. Tourism
can prioritise Goans at higher pay scales & suggest opportunities.

E. Experts to Study Welfare Policies of other States/Countries e.g. Canadian
Famed Health Policy/Social Security etc; to introduce in Goa.

*With development, employment, welfare plans in place, Goans would be
encouraged to return. i.e. addressing the very issues which *

*Have caused Goans to leave the state; and of course start reducing
migrations of Goans from Goa.*

* *

*Proposed by Arwin Mesquita,   Abu Dhabi/Colva.   Dated: 21st April 2008 *

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