Hi Valmiki,
Well written article.  You should have written more about the Type I - NRG 
(non-resident Goan).  
I am still wondering how / why the Type-3 Goans are classified as NRG? 
I hope you get answers to your questions that you pose below and share them 
with us.
As regards the NRG-Type 2:  What happens when all this "largely a variable 
quantum of hot air" gets under one roof like at a conference or symposium?  Is 
it worse when this get-together is in Goa or abroad?  I hope all the NRG-Type 2 
read your article and accept your pointed message.
Looks like you got both earfuls from some NRG-type2 visiting Goa last 
November-March. Yet the NRG-type 2 may have some hope - so do not give up. When 
they come to Goa, approach them with, "Hey anybody wanna see ..."  (or the 
konkani version of it). You can fill them / us with factoids, trivia; together 
with some comedy, tragedy and irony of our beloved Goa.  Thus on their return 
to their diaspora land, their expertise will be more fact-based than fanciful.  
Thanks to you and others, NRG-Type 2 Goans will see their ancestral land with 
new eyes and make new friends.  The chances are, in return, they will  
reciprocate the understanding and education and a long lasting bond will be 
established.  For a minimum you should give these NRG-Type 2 Goans credit for 
journeying half way around the world to be in Goa.  Tourism is Goa's numbro uno 
If your sense of humor is intact, do not blame the subset of NRG-Type 2 who 
suffer from chronic wander-lust and visit other parts of the world; returning 
to Goa only rarely. The NRG-Type 2 could sooner or latter be converted to 
NRG-Type 3, sometimes albeit later.  Even a retired NRG has muchos-anos of  
experience. Goans could save themselves  from paying lotsa 'consultancy fees' - 
that is of course if they are not already tired of the "largely variable 
quantum of hot air".
Regards, GL
----------- Valmiki Faleiro 

This, eventually, made me notch my categories of Goan expats up by one. Let us 
call them NRG-Type 3. If the NRG-Type 1 helps shore up the Goan economy, and 
Type 2 is largely a variable quantum of hot air, Type 3 should warm every Goan 
heart in Goa.

Type 3 is a rarer breed. Up against all odds, they made a conscious choice to 
return to their ancestral land. Not after retirement like most, but when in the 
prime of their careers.  Do these young Goans tell a story? Ponder it over. 
Does Goa lack opportunity, or do we Goans lack something else? If there is 
will, there surely must be a way.

In sum, to the Type 2, Goa may be just another holiday. To the Type 1, it means 
home. To the Type 3, Goa is where one returns to, recharges one?s roots, and 
begins to flower again. May they bloom more! 

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