Is the Goa Government functioning at all?

Come summer when the going gets hot in Goa, most of
the MLAs and Ministers take a vacation...much deserved
as they sweat a lot to work for the upliftment of the
aam aadmi...

recently we had three congress legislators enjoy the
gift of a holiday to new zealand and
the government termed it a study tour...much is
desired that the three holiday makers learnt a lot of
good governance and administration down under and will
soon implement it for the betterment of
Goa...wait...first their respective constituencies and
then spread it to the rest of Goa...

The CM continues his trips to Delhi...Churchill went
to Kuwait...and Goa continued to suffer due to lack of
administration ...

The PWD promised much under churchill...till date the
work on the proposed second zuari bridge has not even

now they will say the monsoon is here soon and works
will be held back...

the monsoons will bring with it its own
agonies...powershutdowns...potholed roads...and Goa
would witness a no administration for the wet

As the current dispensation enjoys a thin
majority...the elected legislators are busy to ensure
that their chair is steady and can hold their

the opposition legislators are busy trying to unseat
the govt...

so who works for the people...?

what is the progress done for the aam aadmi in the
past one year? the garbage dumps still continue...the
roads are death traps...the river princess continues
to be stranded at the beautiful candolim beach...Goa
continues to be looted...communial fanatics are
continuing their propoganda to turn Goa into a

the poor continue to be poor and the rich continue to
be rich...the looters continue their loot and the
exploited continue to be exploited...

Is this the GOA we want to see? if in 2008 this is the
situation, imagine a few years down the line?

Cedric da Costa

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