On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Bharat wrote:
> A friend of mine, sent this very dismal story for 
> reading... have a dekho at it...
> A Bitter Reality
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:49:56 -0400
From: "Venantius Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am doing this to dissuade others from compulsive
knee jerk analysis of the woeful stories one hears
about Indians in the U.S., which later become part of
existential lore. Often these stories happen to be
written by those living in India masquerading as
disenchanted individuals in the US/ or who have left
the US ? who are suddenly into deep introspection. 
Mario wonders:
Thankfully, such woeful stories are few and far
between.  Besides, such pathos can just as easily take
place within India.
It seems as if the individual featured in the dismal
story sent to you chose to carry on his shoulders the
incredible weight that comes from clinging to his
native identity in a land where the happiest
immigrants seem to be the ones who have intellectually
assimilated into their new cultural environment while
still having the strength to appreciate their own
culture and heritage enough to inject its best
features into the new culture that they have chosen to
live in, thereby benefiting both.  This is more easily
achieved in the highly diverse immigrant-populated-USA
than in most other countries.
For those like him, the glass is always seen as half
empty as opposed to half full.
I like your pithy advice, "I say just live your own
lives, keep in touch with old friends if its worth it,
and just be."  I might add that I have always found
keeping in touch with old friends to be well worth it.
And, I might also add, as one who has come face to
face with my own mortality, it never hurts to count
one's blessings every waking day.
One part of your post reminded me of the
Hindi-speaking heartland where I grew up, where we
used the phrase, "Khandar se patha chalta hai ki
imarat buland thi" when appreciating the still evident
beauty of a gracefully aging woman:-))

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