This is what I said in Jan. this year..

'Goa Card' for NRI Goans
First time I heard about this 'Goa Card' is today (in local Newspapers).
It seems, by presenting the card to the various govt. dept, your job will be 
done on priority basis.
Well, in Goa Govt Dept, there is no other alternative to 'Cash' or 'bribe' to 
get your work done faster.
'Goa Card' will automatically serve as 'Cash Card' where one can even fix a 
higher price after knowing 'goa card' holder is an NRI.
More details with pic (showing one of the popular net NRI receiving the card 
from NRI commissioner/CS) to follow soon.
Watch this space
Did you know how many Cards I have in my wallet?

4 Indian Bank ATM cards (4 UK ATM cards now removed)
2 Driving Licence cards (one Indians Smart Card)
1 Election Photo card
1 PAN card
1 Library card
2 BSNL Phone cards (to call UK/US @ Rs.5/3per minute)
2 Mobile Phone Recharge Cards (Idea & Reliance).
1 Goa Card (very soon)
2 Creidit cards (Ind/Uk each)
2 Airlines air-miles Cards 
1 Swipe card
1 Store card

What about you?

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
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