Hi Antonio
Your mental constructs of triangles for both forms of
stratification---caste and class are interesting. You 
clearly reject caste for clear reasons and see the
alternative of class as better, even if not perfect,
because caste is based on birth privilege for a few
and rejects the concept of meritocracy in an open
competing society. Class, despite imperfections, at
least allows for a meritocracy to work in relative

However, I do have two  related question for you that
puzzle me greatly. a)Why do some people, even if
successful in a class based world, still cling to
caste for some kind of identity, especially, when it
is totally unnecessary to do so in a democratic
setting that includes the Goan Diaspora? b) What is
preventing caste adherents in providing an
intellectual rationale for their caste beliefs?

I am glad that this debate is increasingly about ideas
rather than personalities on Goanet.
Kind regards
--- Antonio Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Caste is an unique institution that is found only in
> the Indian subcontinent whereas all over the world 
classes with its fluidity of movement are the
> natural divisions of the society.

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