1.<BUSINESS STANDARD underlines the crux of the matter:<On permission
forbuilding new airports within the 150-km radius of an existing facility,
theCabinet said such proposals would be taken up on a case-to-case basis.
**Itsaid the new airport?s impact on the existing one would be examined
fortaking a decision.**>

A follow up report in BS takes a different tack based on the views of
Hyderabad's airport developer:<A senior executive of GMR Hyderabad
International Airports Ltd (GHIAL) said: ?The policy has kept us out of its
ambit. Hence, even [sic] if we object to a second airport coming up in
Hyderabad, it cannot be resolved through the airport policy and we are out
of its reach.>

As pointed out previously the earlier report was in any case applicable to
Mopa/Dabolim (the converse of the above) only by implication. Now perhaps
the following may apply to Mopa:
<industry experts say that the policy will be helpful in clearing future
airport projects more easily. ?For instance, the proposed cargo airport at
Jhajjar (Haryana) might give competition to the existing Delhi airport in
cargo operations. But clearance for that airport will solely depend on the
ministry and will not be taken to the Cabinet even though it is within the
150 km radius of the existing airport,? said an industry expert. The
Jhajjjar cargo airport, which is a little more than 20 km from the existing
Delhi airport, is being planned as part of the Reliance SEZ in Haryana.
?Also, future proposals for a second airport in cities like Ahmedabad will
be more easily cleared,? he added.>

So, what form should Mopa take: a specialised airport for cargo a la Jhajjar
or a second (perhaps regional) airport for Goa a la Ahmedabad? It's
anybody's guess. But hopefully Goa govt and important voices like GCCI are
applying their minds actively to the issue well before Goa is faced with a
fait accompli.

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