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*This gallery provides a small window to the disturbing happenings in Goa
today, culled from the relatively small area around Panjim. Know that the
cancer has spread to all of Goa. Our ruling political class and their
buddies in the building mafia have sold Goa off to the highest bidder while
Goans have been asleep at the wheel. If the Goa Bachao
Abhiyan<>(the Save Goa campaign) fails to
achieve its objective of getting the
Regional Plan 2011 scrapped, Goa, as we know it, shall cease to be.

All photographs were taken with the Canon EOS 5D and the following set of
lenses: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L, Canon EF
24-105mm f/4 L IS, Canon EF 300mm f/4 L IS.

(c) Rajan P. Parrikar. No photograph may be copied or reproduced without the
consent of the photographer.

Rajan P. Parrikar <>*



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