
From: Averthan D'Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 April 2008 12:15
Subject: Imported cheerleaders


Dear Editor,

            Our newspapers are reporting the controversy which has erupted
over the import of cheer leaders for the IPL cricket matches.  Unfortunately
the controversy is centred around the skimpy dresses  worn by these
'foreign' girls, and the undesirable  exposure of  those parts of their
bodies, which are considered to be immodest by Indian standards.   The
defenders of such exposure, of course, rightly point to the skimpy dresses
and the titillating dances which are part of our Bollywood movies and T.V.
serials.  For one thing it seems inconsistent to object to the 'immodest'
dresses and dancing of cheerleaders, while at the same time ignoring the
objectionable cinema and T.V. sequences in our own films which are no
different.   Our objections appear to be hypocritical.

However, what seems to be overlooked in the discussions taking place is the
fact that such "cheer leaders" are not at all required for the game of
cricket, or, for that matter, for football, or baseball or hockey.   What on
earth do we need cheer leaders for in games which require skill, team-work
and solid discipline ?   The introduction of such 'distractions' in sporting
events is simply demeaning the games, and those who sponsor such senseless
displays need to be sternly censured.   Of course, they have their own
commercial interests at heart in introducing into sports such inane and
meaningless side shows.    

The very concept of "sport" has been  degraded by recent practices such as
intake of "performance enhancing" drugs, gambling and match-fixing.   It is
indeed very dismaying that a prominent  member of the Board of Control of
Cricket in India has publicly advocated the legalising of gambling in
connection with cricket.   With such irresponsible persons in positions of
influence and power in our policy making bodies, all sports can only
deteriorate further.  How sad for the spirit of sports in India.


Yours  truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula,  Goa 403 004.

Tel:   2453628.    

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