Aldonkars dump Acron's project

Gomantak Times, April 28, 2008, p. 1

[Print edition has a photo of the Gram Sabha accompanying the report.]



Blurb: The sarpanch, panchas were indicted for clearing the over-
Rs-50-lakh project without prior sanction of the Gram Sabha

PANJIM: Villagers of Aldona yesterday unanimously resolved to
permanently revoke all licences granted to Peter Fernandes/Acron
Developers for the controversial 'development' project at Carona,
Aldona, at a marathon Gram Sabha meeting that began around 10.30
am and went on up to 3 pm.

The issue took centre-stage at the Gram Sabha, attended by around
200 villagers after the recently formed Aldona Bachao Abhiyan
raised awareness in the village on the issue.

The ABA has accused the concerned party of resorting to hill
cutting without permission, violating section 17-A of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1974.

At the Gram Sabha yesterday, members of ABA and other villagers
came down heavily on the Panchayat and sought to know why this
particular project, which is worth above Rs 50 lakh was not
brought before the Gram Sabha before being approved.

"Why was the project passed without being brought before the Gram
Sabha when there is a previous resolution passed making this
mandatory? This is nothing but all lies...You (Panchayat
Committee) are not illiterates!" a local screamed at the chair.

A resolution was then passed by the Gram Sabha seeking action
against the panchayat secretary and panch members for keeping the
 Gram Sabha in the dark about the project which was worth above Rs
50 lakh. The resolution also said that projects of such kind
should be suspended and no permission or license granted unless it
was placed before the Gram Sabha.

The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Sarpanch Maryanne D'Souza,
who was asisted by panch member Monica Rocha and the panchayat
secretary. The block development officer's representative was also
present as an observer at the meeting.

Sarpanch Vallabh Pole could not make it for the meeting since he
was out on an official tour to Delhi.

The villagers also questioned the Panchayat over the information
board at the construction not mentioning any owner's name and
expressed shock when the panch member and deputy sarpanch said
that they did not know what the construction was all about until
they realised that hill cutting was done and halted the work.

"The file was put forth and we were told that the project was of a
residential bungalow with a compound wall to be built. And,
accordingly we passed it," Rocha told the Gram Sabha.

She further added that the project was passed as that of Peter
Fernandes and there was no mention of Acron Developers.

The meeting also passed another resolution unanimously to take
action against Peter/Acron or their agents for violating the hill
cutting section of the Town and Country Planning Act.

The meeting also sought suitable action by the BDO/Director of
Panchayats against the Secretary, Sarpanch and the panch members
as well for granting permission to the project without proper NOCs
coming to the Panchayat before the meeting that was held on
November 24, 2007.

Meanwhile other resolutions passed by the Gram Sabha included
undertaking a tree-planting drive in the approaching monsoon
season by the panchas in their respective areas and plans for
garbage collection at the village market.

Another resolution denounced the closure of the cable-stayed
bridge for the purpose of film-shooting without any revenue
accruing to the panchayat.

The resolution noted that since a previous resolution to charge a
fee of Rs 10,000 per day for film shooting on the Corjuem-Aldona
bridge was passed and not implemented by the panchayat during
March 2008, a sum of Rs 1,00,000 towards the 10 days of shooting
be recovered from the Panchas and the Panchayat Secretary and
subsequently deposited in the Panchayat fund.

It was further resolved that the fee would be enhanced to Rs
20,000 per day and boards be erected on either side of the said
bridge to inform the public of this fee.

Banakar fakeeron ka hum bhes 'Ghalib'
Tamasha-e-ahl-e-karam dekhte hain. -- Mirza Ghalib

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