Dear Friends,

In New Delhi, no zhopadpattis or slums are allowed anywhere in the state, 
because the authorities immediately remove them.

I was once informed,  that in  Pakistan,  slums and zhopadpattis are not 
allowed in cities, but govtmt-owned,cheap housing is available in the cheaper 
suburbs on the outskirts of the city, where migrants are allowed to rent these 
houses at a very nominal, cheap rate.The ownership of these buildings for the 
poor/migrants, remain with the government.  No migrant is gifted  a house by 
the govtmt. 

Migrants can be asked to  produce a valid job certificate from employer,  
stating period of job employment and  name and address of employer.  It is the 
duty of employer to inform, when employee leaves the job.

Dr. Parrikar's statement below "He lamented that undesirable filthy-rich 
outsiders are cutting hills and putting up huge constructions"

My reply = "Goans themselves, gave written permission to the outsiders to cut 
hils etc."

Please remember that slums are encouraged in cities, not only for votebanks, 
but also, a form of land-grabbing, so that later on, the same people who 
encourged these slums, will put up Hotels.


  Message: 4
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 18:00:05 -0400
From: "Shanti Dhoot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is more than high time that we tackled the problem of slums,

Instead of just talking about it and twiddling our thumbs.

How can we stop or regulate this unchecked migrant influx

Aided by politicians, out to make a vote bank and fast bucks?

Let us have action before the problem really serious becomes.

The best way out seems to be a special status for our State

Rather than passively for a government initiative to wait.

For we cannot expect action from those

Who thrive as this problem grows.

Let public opinion be mobilised rather than have sterile debate

- Shanti Dhoot


Message: 5 of 21 Apr 2008
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unchecked migrant influx will erase identity: Khalap

PANJIM, APRIL 19- Former Deputy Chief Minister of Goa Ramakant Khalap said
that the massive influx of migrants into Goa will soon turn it into another
Singapore, where one hardly gets to see an indigenous Singaporean; the same
could happen here.

Speaking at a debate on 'The Goan Identity'advocate Khalap said such
massive migration to  Goa must be checked, or the identity and culture of
our past generations
will be lost forever.

"We cannot allow migrants, who are coming in alarming proportions, to
convert Goa into a slum," he said, pointing out that they had acquired
ration cards and residence certificates, and are being used as vote banks
politicians who are giving them the benefits of social security schemes.

Dr Rajan Parrikar, a Goan who has lived in the United States of America for
over 20 years, said that the Goan identity is unique and is found nowhere
else in India. He lamented that undesirable filthy-rich outsiders are
cutting hills and putting up huge constructions. Goans have lost their
and accomplished nothing, he said, calling on the government to enact a law
that will prevent non-Goans from acquiring property in Goa.

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