--- jane gillian rodrigues

> OK, I laugh a lot, everytime, I hear someone say
> that the Westerners are influencing our Indian
> culture in a negative way, although, for the last 60
> years, or more, till date,  our Indian women and
> children, have been tortured, abused, burnt, raped,
> killed, sold into prostution etc.
Dear Gillian,

I couldn't agree with you more.

Averthanus is an immensely talented writer and I enjoy
reading his articles. However, every now and then he
seems to get a bee in his bonnet and laments about
homosexuals and obscenely-clad women. Albert, another
defender of Goan culture from the onslaught of Western
debauchery, seems to have taken a hiatus.

I was reading an interesting statistic in a Tamil
magazine which stated almost 46% of Indian men,
engaging in premarital sex, lose their virginity to
prostitutes. That is a substantial number of men who
have to subject themselves to the humiliation of
engaging in illegal and unnecessarily furtive
activities, for what should essentially be a positive
first experience. 

Sex and sexuality are not Western concepts, nor do we
need cultural ambassadors to interpret and define them
for us. What we need is to get beyond our own
repressive ideas and embrace a fuller understanding of
human sexuality. Otherwise, we are heading for a lot
more Scarlette Keelings in our midst.


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