The people of Goa, especially the intimidated people of Colamb, must, we repeat, must live by 'the law of the people of Goa', 'by the people of Goa', 'for the people of Goa' and not the 'mining laws' for Goa conjured by the self-seeking political prostitutes in collusion with the vested interests in mining , IRRESPECTIVE of the directives of the state or central governments, High Courts or the Supreme Court ,

" The rich mineral deposits of Goa is the God given providence for Goa, for the people of Goa. If these resources have to be mined, so be it. But the benefits from such mining must come back a plentiful to the people of Goa without mindless depletion of their other vital God given resources like 'forest cover', wild-life, agricultural lands and most importantly the ground water resources, without piling layers upon layers of mining dust and mining rejects to affect their very livelyhood and their priceless health. If these requirement are not met forthwith, let the God given resources lie where they are, undisturbed and untouched, no matter who says otherwise."

A time has come for the people of Goa to stand up-right on their feet and refuse to be anything else but selfless and committed CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS so that we live something for our posterity as it was left to us likewise by our forefathers.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nigel Britto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] 56 Colamb villagers served 4 kg each heavy Courtnotices

A shame, indeed! And absolutely disheartening.

This is not the first time the "Honorable" Judiciary have backed the mining
companies. See:

Satyamev Jayathe? What Satya?

Truth Liberates,
Nigel Britto

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