In Goa we do not need speed breakers. Stray cattle do the job of speed
breakers by sitting on the highways and roads.

In Goa we do not need to set the alarm clock early morning The kombo
(rooster) does the job.

In Goa they say when crow says kaw kaw it means you will get a letter today
from the post man.

In Goa when you hear the honking of the bicycle horn or thumping of a thick
pole early in the morning you know that the baker is at your door steps.

In Goa aunty takes her big jute bag and one black umbrella and goes to fish
market in the morning. then she goes to eat bhaji, sheeraa and tea not
forgetting the mirchi.

In Goa at 10 am kunjee made of boiled rice is served on the table in a
bood-ku-law ( earthen pot). the lid of the bood-ku-law is a empty half of a
coconut shell paced on it with kaal chi kodi 9dried yesterday's curry) or
thaw-ra-cho (green mago water pickle)

In Goa when it becomes Angeles time you will hear the chapel or church bell.
Then everyone closes the door and pray.

In Goa when they wanted to feed their pigs granny use to go to the near by
podher to bring dhond. Then she would come home and serve it to them and say
yaw yaw yaw yaw, and for the hens and for the kombi ani kombe, baah baah
baah. Crows do not need to be called.

In Goa when you get in the local bus the conductor will say for passengers
in the front faatee wos (go behind) and for the passengers at the back
foo-dem wos ( go in front). and when you want to get down you tell the
conductor and he will scream rao re (driver please stop)

In Goa when you arrive from the gulf and you are walking on the road and
when you meet uncle or aunty or neighbour they will ask you kednah aay-law
reh. on day one you will reply kaal (yesterday) and so on till your holidays

more to come........



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