Herald, 3 May 2008, p. 1

People’s power prevails, Benaulim to axe three housing projects
MARGAO, MAY 2 – Benaulim Panchayat on Friday finally bowed down to
the demands of local villagers against controversial mega housing
projects approved by the body.
Amidst uproar and bedlam, the panchayat took a far-reaching
decision by agreeing to revoke the construction licences of the
three controversial mega housing projects.
That’s not all. A joint meeting with the villagers resolved not to
entertain any more mega housing projects in the coastal village
till the existing pathetic infrastructure is upgraded to meet the
future requirements.
Sarpanch Maria Fernandes later told Herald that the panchayat
would issue notices to the builders of its decision to revoke the
licence for violating the licence conditions. She said the
builders have misrepresented the facts by showing an 8-meter road
on the plan, when the existing road is hardly 2.5-3 metres.
The sarpanch further maintained that no mega housing project would
be entertained by the panchayat in the near future and that mega
constructions would be placed before a committee for screening and
These decisions were taken after a three-hour long marathon
meeting of the panchayat members, MLA Mickky Pacheco, government
officials and members of the Benaulim Villagers Action Committee,
which witnessed heated exchanges between the villagers and panch
members and intense questioning of government officials over their
role in approving the projects.
The sapranch and panchas, including two women panchas, came under
fire from the villagers, At point, the villagers were seen
charging towards the women panchas, but were kept at bay by others
before the situation could go out of control.
Benaulim Villagers Action Committee Chairperson Geraldine
Fernandes   exposed the authorities, including officials of water
supply, PWD roads, besides the panchayat secretary for their sins
of omission and commission while approving the housing projects.
She demanded to know from the engineer (water supply) whether the
panchayat had obtained permission to cut the road for laying a
water pipeline. She wondered how and from where the new housing
projects would be supplied water when benaulim is facing acute
water shortage.
Geraldine also pulled up Town Planner B Bykad for approving the
plan by showing an eight meter road when there exists only a 2.5
meter wide road.
Mickky clarified that he is in no way connected with any of the
housing projects or its approval and strongly favoured  a system,
wherein the ward panch, villagers and citizens committee sit down
and discuss before approving the projects.
The MLA maintained that it’s the responsibility of the local body
to first ascertain the existing infrastructure before taking any
Mickky, however, came under fire from people when he feigned
ignorance about a resolution passed by the panchayat last year,
restricting construction activity within 800 square meters.
“The panchayat neither informed me nor sent the resolution to the
government. The panchayat should have forwarded the resolution to
the government for approval,” he said.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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