Hi there,
The price of food (in this case, rice) is very much a concern for Goa
(which is why I guess the post is approprate); unless one has turned
to  veganism, rice is our staple remember? Goans eat rice twice,
sometimes trice a day (including peez, caanji).

In Goa (as of this morning), Rs100 brings one not too much ......rice
is up (unfortunatley, I cannot give you exact prices, its Rs
50/kilo,up from Rs 35), fresh veggies almost disappear (these are from
smaller village markets) and mangoes are apparently Rs.400/doz (not
important in the survival list but out of habit, how can ones summer
be complete without the mankurad?)

The reasons are many and however much one would like to blame
politicians, I think this time its a cumilative effect of the drought
(shortage of wheat), the use of corn in alt fuels etc. Rice is a
curious case and puzzling: appears the common reason is sub-divided
farms make it uneconimical. One hates to think how someone with
limited means in Goa gets by these days- this has to be a serious

Closer to some of your habitats, a 10 pound bag of basmati is up
almost 60% and as of next week, the folks in the food business say is
will likely be up a total of 80 to 100% (this is hear-say, I read them
gossip columns). Pasta (the whole wheat etc) is up over 100% (from a
few weeks ago)- apologies in advance, pasta is mentioned to illustrate
where prices are going, and not Goa-related.

Back to Goa, and if one remembers the red-husk rice (ookedem
taandudh).......one could easily grow it like in the old days won't
you think? Apparently, the cost of labour is up-up that according to
farmers, its uneconimical to grow (they would rather buy than grow).
Before you hit the keyboard and reply, yes, there are folks who still
cultivate their lands, the good old way.

Finally, before you race to the local Desi Mall and buy a truck-load
of rice, it ain't a great idea. Its good for about 6-8 months (or
less) and the storage area has to be fumigated etc and the rice aired
- and, no-no-no, don't reach for your wife's hair
dryer.............that won't scare them little pests. The solutions
may be mind-boggling but the hints may just lie in what that dead old
chap called Nostradamus said, won't you agree?

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bosco D'Mello wrote:
>  > ......the next Global crisis is FOOD!!
>  > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/7284196.stm
>  > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7372393.stm
>  > With the BJP selling coconuts and the Congress selling veggies, are
>  > politicians going to blame each other, again?? For a global crisis??

>  Folks,
>  I don't see what the global food crises has to do with Goa nor do I see what 
> the global oil crises has to do with Goa. In fact, I am surprised that 
> "global concerns" are being introduced into a Goa specific forum......

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