>We have to begin the process of telling and
>retelling our history as history, not as a grievance,
>a open sore to be nursed perpetually by a sense of
>victim-hood. To this extent, I think there is a lot
>to be done in sponsoring speakers, writers,
>websites that counter the HJS type of propaganda. Let
>a hundred Gadgils rise, why not let their voices be
>heard through financial assistance?

When one frames such issues in political terms, such
as victim-hood and sponsoring of speakers and writers
to counter a propaganda, one is thrusting oneself in
the political arena, and inviting criticism on purely
political grounds. On religious issues one does much
worse because one exposes oneself to communal fervor. 

My experience in exposing misinformation is that facts
rarely win out against a religious or political
ideology from the standpoint of its aging adherents,
no matter how intelligent, well-educated or well-read
they may be. Once a bogus cause is co-opted by an
ideology, the rational and evidence-based approach has
a very slim chance of working against it. Ideology is
more often than not much more powerful than reason.
That is why the vast majority of people in India
believe in astrology and an equally massive majority
of Americans reject evolution by natural selection.


  • ... Vidyadhar Gadgil
    • ... Carvalho
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
        • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Sachin Phadte
      • ... Carvalho
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Sachin Phadte
    • ... marshallmendonza

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