A few moving images
from Goa, which
seek to depict
diverse faces of
this region. Some
bringing in some
good news too (it's
not all doom and gloom).
A big thank you to
George Pinto and Agnelo
for making this venture
possible. Feel free to
share these videos, which,
as usual, are copylefted. FN

Understanding history, looking at Goa's art
The Xavier Centre of Historical Research, whose
founder-director was Dr Teotonio R de Souza in the 1970s, is
now looking to grow and expand. Meet current director, Jesuit
priest Dr Delio de Mendonca sj, who introduces us to the
campus and elaborates on their dreams and plans that
hopefully will come true one day.

Cafe Prakash? Why?
Voices from Goa tell you why Cafe Prakash, a tiny restaurant
in Goa, now has pretension of being the 'unofficial press
club of Goa'. Listen to Prakash Sakhalkar (after whom the
restaurant is named), Ralino Sequeira, campaigner Soter
D'Souza, writer Nagueshbab Karmali, Manoj Joshi, meet the
staff, and hear homeopath Sushrut Martins, current manager
'Babu' Kaplesh Sakhalkar, Miguel Braganza, and Gomantak Times
deputy news editor Ashley do Rosario. In English and Konkani.

Leroy Veloso, the village life, and studying Goa
In a noisy cafe, Leroy of Moira (Goa) talks about what it
means to understand a village in Goa. He talks about the past
and present of Moira, and what makes it special ... and the
traditional clans (vangors) of the village.

Romi Konkani, the case for it... (Tomazinho Cardozo)
Former Goa Speaker, dramatist and writer Tomazinho Cardozo
makes a case of why Romi (Roman-script) Konkani needs
recognition and acceptance in in today's Goa.

Nicholas Sequeira's garden in Saligao, Goa
A five-year-in-a-row prizewinning horticulturist tells of his
success in keeping his garden green and colourful, and how
this could offer new opportunities to others willing to work
with the soil in Goa.

Aren and Maths ...
A four-and-half year old from Goa talks about Math, numbers
and other issues from life.

Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490

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