Casino protest etc

It looks like Casino Rio  alias  The Leela all set to launch very soon from the 
Captain of Ports Jetty, Panjim (See Pic)

I personally have no problem with any number of Casinos in Goa provided ‘NO 
GOANS ARE ALLOWED’ or if allowed ‘with restrictions’ e.g. age restrictions, 
Production of PAN CARD and Income tax payment certificate etc etc

Sometimes, I find it very strange seeing Bailancho Saad  etc  protests

Few months back there was a protest against serving liquor at the events held 
at international Levels at the INOX courtyard e.g. IFFI, Wine festival etc

But there was no protest (may be there was but not very strong) when liquor was 
served out in the open at Campal Gardens.  Beer and whisky was flowing like 
water and children as young as 13 seen drinking  till late night for 10 
continuous  days.
 Again, during carnival, beer and whisky was made available out in the open on 
the promenade for four days

Coming to gambling. What about Matka gambling?
Is it OK to go on just like that?
Or are we  favoring the Police and their family to make extra bucks on it?

As said before, even women are seen playing matka and these women are those who 
earn daily wages like Market venders, fisher folks etc and they play in 50’s 
and 100’s 
Imagine, up to Rs.3000 lost every month.

Why not we do something in this matter first?
Why not protect our lower income Goans first?

Another thing I would like to bring to their notice is the Carnival Float 
parade, it seems the  Carnival going commercial year after year where girls as 
young as 13-14 seen dancing in the street often un supervised by their parents. 
A week long rehearsal followed by 4 days carnival, staying out whole night or 
returning back home very late  etc simply does not feels right.  If only you 
had teenagers in the family you will know what I mean.

May be I am old fashioned, am I ?

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