After many months of practice, "The Witness" musical is being performed in Auckland this June! This musical has moved and inspired many around the world and is now brought to you by a committed group of 30 ordinary folk from various Auckland Catholic parishes who have given their time, heart and soul to ensure that this happens.

"The Witness" composed in the 1970s by Jimmy & Carol Owens (in more or less the style of that era) is about the life of Jesus as "witnessed" by Peter the apostle. It is a mainly choral performance whose main singer and narrator is (Saint) Peter who recounts the story of Christ's life, death and resurrection through music sung to live accompaniment.

You will hear from Peter the fisherman who made so many mistakes and yet became an apostle; from his wife, who suddenly discovers she's married to a travelling man; Mary, the mother of Jesus, who shares the secret of finding favour with God; and much more. "The Witness" provides an opportunity for Christians & non-Christians alike to experience the gospel through powerful songs & music.

So, we'd love you to join us and please feel free to invite your family and friends too.

Dates: Sunday 15 and 22 June 08 - 2 shows only
Venue: St. Mary's College
11 New Street
Ponsonby, Auckland
Time: Seating from 2.30pm for 3pm performance


Bookings are essential as seats are limited. Please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (09) 5265315 to reserve today. When booking please include your full name, landline & mobile contact numbers, email address, number of people coming and preferred performance date. You should then receive a confirmation email with further details within three days.

We look forward to seeing you on the day.

God Bless!

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