To Goanet -

See -

The Auxiliary Park was an out and out 
real estate fraud masquerading as a Park.
In February I had posted photographs of the
site of the proposed Auxiliary Park - right by
the seaside on what is perhaps the most
spectacular section of coastline in the

Babu Kavlekar nows says that the 
Food Park in Betul will go ahead.  This,
too, is a fraud.  A GMAS delegation was
invited in January at the GIDC building in
Panjim for a pitch on the Food Park projects.
We could tell in the first 2 or 3 minutes of
the sloppy presentation that this baby
should be shot even before it popped out.  

Wads of moolah must have already 
exchanged hands, hence the tenacity 
exhibited by Babu is pursuing the project.

Warm regards,


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