Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 00:41:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Take for instance Mario's suggestions. They are
certainly solid suggestions from a western democracy
point of view. I agree with a lot he has to say and I
myself have thought along similar lines, but to what
extent you can transfer those suggestions to the
ground realities that exist in Goa is questionable.
Mario asks:
So, what are you saying?  That the enlightened western
democracies are "solid" in their approach while the
hapless Goans are not?  The answer is, if they are
not, perhaps it is high time they moved in that
direction, before it's too late.
According to you and Chris, a system that has worked
well in all the civilized democratic societies in the
world in balancing the interests of local environments
and citizens with economic developers will not work in
democratic Goa due to the "ground realities".  Even
though it has never been tried and it now takes
wasteful economic activity by developers followed by
mass public protests to get anything done or undone in
Are you suggesting that these "ground realities"
include stupidity?  I have been assuming a higher
level of intelligence and self-interest than you
apparently are assuming.
Selma writes:
Of late, I have stopped having an opinion about Goa.
So removed are we from what is happening that our
opinions seem superfluous, facile, banal, irrelevant
and at times can only be construed as insolent.
Mario responds:
So, behind the beautiful big words, aren't you really
saying "let's run and hide our heads in the sand"? 
Let's not give them ideas we know of, of provable
solutions that have worked everywhere else, that they
haven't yet tried, because the "ground reality" is
that they are too stupid or lazy?
Selma writes:
So how much diaspora Goans can genuinely contribute to
this forum remains the big question.
Mario responds:
It all depends on the contribution, doesn't it?  
"There are no simple solutions.  Only intelligent
choices."  - Caterpillar Tractor Company.

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