                    **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
                      5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
               Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

                            16-18, May 2008


Date: 15 May 2008 04:56:52 -0000
From: "jane gillian rodrigues" 
Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply to
my e-mail, but you have not let me know about whether,
you a Goan, can buy land in Kashmir.
Mario responds:
I forgot that I needed to provide you with an
education as we go:-))  The last time I checked
Kashmir was not an Indian state yet.  It is still a
disputed territory administered by three different
governments, Pakistan, India and China.
Jane Gillian wrote:
the Americans, are scary people, they elect an actor -
 Ronald Reagan, as President, 
Mario responds:
I wonder where you went to school, Jane Gillian?  I
should be charging you for all this free remedial
How can there be anything scary about people who are
willing to voluntarily shed their blood for total
strangers - except perhaps the bad guys?
We have a saying here about Americans, "No better
friend.  No worse enemy."
Before he was elected President in a landslide, twice,
and after his career as an actor, Ronald Reagan was a
very successful Governor of our largest state of
Today, he is credited with the military pressure that
caused the old Soviet Union to collapse, assisted by
Pope John Paul II's moral pressure and Mikhail
Gorbachev's giving up the ghost, not to mention
stabilizing the country and the economy after the
disastrous Jimmy Carter presidency.
Jane Gillian wrote:
but feel a highly educated, accomplished,
well-experienced woman like Madam Hillary Clinto
cannot  be elected as the next Prez of the US.
Mario responds:
I think you are confusing Mrs. Clinton's
accomplishments and experience with that of her
husband, who was a state Governor before being elected
President.  Whatever accomplishments and experience
she claims to have are largely a figment of a very
creative imagination.
Jane Gillian wrote:
Yes, I guess, Hollywood actors do fit the American
vision of leader of the USA.
Mario responds:
The absurdity of this comment is demonstrated by the
fact that no other Hollywood actor has been elected US
President and the one who was an actor was also
previously a very successful Governor of the largest
state in the US.
Jane Gillian wrote:
Yes, we women around the globe are wondering who
exactly will US males ever think, is the "right woman"
to be elected as the US President. 
Mario responds:
About half the US electorate is comprised of women, so
for you to blame the fact that we haven't found the
right woman to be US President yet on US males, is,
once again, shown to be an absurd statement.
Jane Gillian wrote:
I am  amazed, that there are still, long over-night
queues outide the US embassy where non-American Goans
are waiting, nay harassing US officials to help them
migrate to the US. 
Mario responds:
With your level of knowledge of the US, I am not
surprised you would be amazed at this.
You will find some facts in the following website:
Some statistics taken in 2005:
The US had 35.7 million foreign-born residing in the
country in 2005.  Of these, 1.4 million came from
The US had 14.9 million naturalized citizens in 2005,
i.e. those born in other countries who have become US
604,280 new US citizens were naturalized in 2005.  6%
of these came from India.
552,000 applications were pending at the end of 2005.
Jane Gillian wrote:
I commend you, and all goans who are making an all-out
effort to preserve the beauty of Goa.
Mario responds:
Why, thank you!
Now, all they have to do is LISTEN TO ME!

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