                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
                            Rajan P. Parrikar

       Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008


Sachin Phadte wrote:

>>If anyone even cursorily looks at my message, I have accepted that there are 
>>such carvings in some Hindu temples.
>>I do not know why I have to repeat myself so many times in my contention that 
>>these are not Hindu deities and that such carvings are exception and not not 
>>a rule. It is really getting very tiring.

I have seen for some time now that Sachin Phadte keeps harping on the
"exception-rule" logic. I am struggling to understand what exactly he
wishes to convey by this.

So does he wish to say that since white Tigers in India are
exceptions, artists shouldn't draw them at all? And what does he have
to say about all the white elephants (pun unintended) that one sees in
Hindu Mythological art? As they just don't exist, should we destroy
all the paintings that feature them? And where do we go next from
there? Shouldn't our artists touch the Olympic Games either, since
these occur only once every four years?  And capturing the Millennium
Celebrations on the canvasses could perhaps be blasphemy? Wow, what
bizarre logic!

But if he and his comrades from the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti wish to
stand by their own bizarre logic, then why don't they practice what
they preach? If they believe that Hussein should not have drawn the
nude paintings of Hindu deities as such nude portrayals in the vast
temples across India are mere exceptions and not rules, then why are
they actually vilifying and hounding this iconic artist? Aren't
Hussein's objectionable nude paintings on Hindu deities too the
exceptions;  a mere 10 out of more than 10,000 that he has drawn till


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