                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
                            Rajan P. Parrikar

       Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008


Selma wrote:
I was merely drawing a parallel between growing religious intolerance, 
supersition, belief in miracles, self-appointed custodians of cultural values 
and morality, dismissal of scientific fact in lieu of irrational concepts, and 
the atmosphere that persisted during the Inquisition.Charismatic movements are 
taking Catholic Goans in this direction.

I am appalled at the comparison Selma makes of the Charismatic movement with 
the HJS. Can she cite any examples or instances where the charismatic movement 
has incited hatred or violence  or intolerance against other communities? From 
what I know of the charismatic movement is that they follow the bible very 
closely and have strong faith in the Holy Spirit.  However, never have I heard 
a single word nor statement from the Charismatic movement inciting hatred or 
violence or curbing the freedom of anyone. We may not all agree with what they 
believe or follow but to brand them as extremist organisations like the HJS is 
not only unfair but also unacceptable. It can create a wrong impression in the 
minds of those who do not know the movement and cause illwill which I am sure 
is not Selma's intention.


Marshall Mendonza

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