Rajanbab has written
Please, Satyawan, cut out this mawkish talk.
We don't need any cult of personalities in the
struggle to reclaim Goa.  Nobody is indispensible,
least of all someone whose only 'contribution'
has been strutting around on TV shows and 
interview panels.

Dear Rajan bab
All your big words like mawkish cannot be understood by simple people like us.  

why are you saying say that Dotor Oscar has contributed nothing. Please do not 
spoil the name of a good person. Oscar bab maybe stupid and foolish to listen 
to enemies of Goa, but you cannot say that he is a cheat. Dotor Oscar has done 
big mistake and if he does not realize his mistake, Goans will not forgive him. 

Goa requires GBA & Dotor Oscar. It is the Margao based D-gang (Digu-Datta and 
dalals) who are wanting to divide the Goans so that they can do their dirty 

Satyamev Jayate

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