Congress's masters are all big industries to whom they are selling Goa.
BJP is not much different; we know that Parrikar was giving out big
contracts to people in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and anywhere but Goa.
In addition, he had the communal agenda.

Our only salvation is Ganv, Ghor Rakhon Manch.

Please know that Goan land is no less than gold. You must have noticed
the price of apts. in Goa, they have crossed 1 crore. In fact, if Goans
wait for a few years to sell their land, they could get 10 times more
than they are getting now.

The fact of the matter is that world over, people are stressed out
working 5 out of 7 days of the week. And there are not enough places
as green and beautiful as Goa to relax during the other two days.

The point is --- all the money that comes out of this, this should go
to Goans, and not to the 40 chors.

It is time Ganv, Ghor ... fought elections.

And I think Fred and co. need not worry too much about communal BJP.
If at all they come to power and continue with their communal agenda,
we will throw them out like last time. We did it once, we will do it

But let Congress not loot in the name of secularism also.



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