Mario Goveia wrote:
> Perhaps the problem is that I write in plain 
> American not plain English:-))? By the way several 
> Goanetters who live in the UK and communicate in 
> English, which I have some knowledge of, seem to 
> have no problems with my trenchant American prose.?
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 12:27:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Then again, you also have been told repeatedly that
you?have problems understanding what you read on
Goanet.?An?example; I asked you to provide us?with the
email, post or website where you read that I 
recommended buying gold at $1,000. 
1)?were not able to understand my question
????????????????? ?? or 
2) unable to find any reference.
Personally, I think the reason why you?are cowering
from this?challenge is because you had to?admit to
yourself that you did not understand what I wrote in
the first place.
I am still waiting for a reply to my question.
This?need not be a difficult exercise, especially
since you do?not require?funding from the US treasury,
in order?to?reply. 
Mario responds:
You can't be serious?!  You either have a short memory
or are a glutton for punishment!  My previous response
to your so-called "challenge" was rejected as
"inappropriate", and I let it go.  Now you bring it up
again with your typical charming invective and snide
insinuations.  So, let me try again.
I would like Goanetters to carefully read what you
have written above before they carefully read the
following posts, the first one purely gratuitous and
admittedly "Off topic":
And some reactions from your "brothers in arms"

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