A quick question to Bernice Pereira...how did salman
khan get away with his drunk driving escapades?

what you quoted in your mail is only relevant to
ceratin citizens of mumbai?

Cedric da Costa

> ?
> Stringent punishment is meted out in Mumbai to those
> found drinking and driving and in case someone is
> killed, 10 years in jail.? This is very welcome and
> has prevented most drivers?from taking their cars on
> the roads after parties. Breath analyser tests are
> conducted if drivers refuse to admit that they have
> been drinking.
> ?
> The road accidents in Goa are alarmingly high in
> proportion to the?population and I feel that?legal
> measures preventing? drinking/drugging and
> driving?are absolutely mandatory. The?speed at which
> people drive on narrow village roads is alarming
> high - everybody thinks they are in Monte Carlo.?
> Specially for the "bhaille" drivers, it is a haven..
> ?
> Please ensure that attention is focussed on this
> very important matter in Goa Net.
> ?
> Bernice Pereira
> Mumbai?????
> ?> 
> Bernice Pereira
> 102 Eken Heights
> Junction of 21st/33rd Roads,
> Bandra, Mumbai 400050
> Tel: 26007212


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