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 Dalit Christians ask church to stop conversion drive
New Delhi, June 6, 2008:  The Dalit Christians on Friday asked the Church 
leadership to stop fraudulent conversion in India among Dalits and Tribals. And 
it further demand that the foreign funds received by the church be used for the 
welfare and upliftment of the poor Christians who are suffering from the 
discrimination. The convention strongly urged the Govt of India not to appoint 
Bishops, priests and nuns in the government commissions and committed but 
instead it should appoint ordinary Christians. These and many other demands are 
raised in a resolution adopted at the national conventions organized by the 
Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) headed by R.L.Francis.
The convention urged the “Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) and the 
National Christian Council of India (NCCI) to set up a 1000 crore “Dalit 
Christian Development” fund to ensure integrated social and economic 
Considering the confusion created by the propagation activities in the far 
flung areas the convention adopted a resolution urging the church authorities 
to defer the mass conversion programme. The resolution stated that, “This 
assembly unanimously believes that evangelism cannot be a measurement of a 
society’s socio-economic development. Therefore, evangelism programme should be 
suspended for long years and funds should be saved and utilized for the welfare 
of Dalits and Trible Christians and deprived sections of society for creating 
awareness among them.”
The resolution also demanded reservation of seats for Dalit and Trible 
Christians as well as other Dalits in Church-run schools, colleges, technical 
institutions and other vocational organizations. 
Three hundred delegates from different parts of the country, who attended the 
convention, alleged that a handful of priests and bishops were monopolizing the 
Church funds and property in the country. This has led to the worsening 
conditions of   neo converted Christians were living in a pitiable 
condition and deprived of the basic necessities.
In his address, the National President R.L. Francis said that the church 
leadership is interested only in increasing the numbers and is hardly bothering 
about their living conditions. The biggest proof of this was that a large chunk 
of foreign funds were being utilized either for purchasing land and for the 
luxurious lifestyles of few Christians leaders in India . Bishops are 
monopolizing the Church estates and treating it as their own property and are 
indulging in its sale-purchase without the consent of the community,” he 
Mr. Jawahar Singh, President Gertor India Foudiotian said 90 per cent to the 
maids working in cantt and its surrounding areas are Dalit and Trible 
Christians. Their children do not even complete their primary education, he 
said. Mr. Singh said that when he went to the priest of the church in the area 
to discuss the issue of maids and their children; he refused to say anything.
Mr. P B Lomeo, Christian activist and editor of a church newspaper, alleged 
that not one of the 40,000 educational institutions run by the church give 
admission to the children of Dalit Christians. The PCLM, which was launched to 
help Dalit and Trible Christians and provide them with a platform to express 
their grief, is the most powerful for them, Mr.Lomeo said.
Fr. William Premdass Chaudhary a catholic priest of the  Archdiocese of 
Delhi said  that “ in last two decades many poor Christians have gone back 
to Hinduism due to maltreatment by the church. “Even myself was treated bad fly 
as I am local Christian and not given any assiyment by Bishop of Delhi Catholic 
Archdiocese because I am a Dalit and local Priest.” he further stated.
 Mr. Balbir Punj, a senior BJP think tank and member of Rajya SAbha 
suggested that the Church in India should honestly make a model for the 
progress of Dalits Christians. He also called for moratorium on conversion for 
the next ten years.
Raising the question of future of Christian children in India , well known 
human rights activist Joseph Gathia urged the Govt of India and the Supreme 
Court to redefine minority educational institutions. He further demanded 
declassification of those Christian minority institutions   who do 
not admit Christian’s children in their schools.
Mr. Joseph Gathia opposed the caste base reservation for Christian community in 
India as it would institutionalize the discrimination in Christianity which is 
against its very basic principle. Such a move would darken the future of poor 
Christina’s children in India .
At National Convention, Mr. Meharban James, Bishop R.B.Sandu, Mr. Ashok Bharti, 
P.N. Ambdker and others express their views reading Casteism in Church.. The 
copies of the resolution passed in the convention would be sending to the Pope, 
the World Council of Churches, and Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh, 
the Prime Minister of India and UPA chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi..
President- PCLM
Nearly 300 delegates from different parts of the country who gather at the 
India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road ., New Delhi passed the following 
resolutions unanimously on Friday  6th  June 2008.
I Resolution:
 We demand that Catholic Bishop Conference of India (CBCI), National 
Council for churches in India (NCCI) and other church organizations drop the 
demand for pushing back the poor Christians in to the category of Scheduled 
Caste status. The teaching of Jesus Christ does not permit to discriminate 
among his followers. All Christians are born in the image of God. 
If the Church in India pursue the reservation for Christians on the basis of 
caste then it must pay compensation to the poor Christians who got converted to 
the Christianity long back.
II Resolution:
(a)        We urge the Govt. of India to 
institute a law allowing the Christians minority institutions to admit 50 % 
student who are Christians. Any Christians educational institute claiming 
Minority Status be punished if they refuse admission to a Christian child. 
Currently there is no such provision therefore the Church educational 
institutions are fearless. Those not following the directive be declassified 
and put under the Income Tax Act as commercial venture.
 (b) We further urged the Govt hat no clergy (Bishops, priests and nuns) 
be appointed in Government committee, commissions etc. Instead the Govt should 
appointed ordinary Christians as the members   such committees and 
commissions.. It has been observed that due to such appointments the Bishops, 
priests, and nuns are deviating format their original work of the Church and 
misusing their positions and funds.
(C) that the Government of India to introduce special laws to protect Church 
property and land as currently it is being misused and Sold by few interested 
group of people. As the land was given by the Govt of India long back on 
perpetual lease it is very much within the right to introduce such laws in the 
interest of the Christian community in India and for the betterment of the 
Dalit and Trible Christians.
III Resolution:
(a) We earnestly urge the Vatican to follow protest pattern in appointing the 
bishops in India , appointment of bishop by concesious of the local people. The 
Poor Christian Liberation Movement is opposed to the current procedure of 
appointing the Bishop in the Diocese by the top from Vatican who is not aware 
of the local conditions. The Vatican must follow the same law which is being 
followed in China .
(b) Representatives at the National Convention demand to CBCI to appoint lay 
people (especially Dalit and Tribal Christians) at the important positions in 
the institutions of Catholic Church. 
(c) The Church in India is the largest employments giver after the Govt of 
India. Hence we demand that to solve the unemployment problem among poor 
Christians 50 % job reservations in Christians educational and medical 
institutions for these category be reserved in the Church institutions.
IV Resolution:
(a)        Churches are bringing fund from 
abroad and spending crores of rupees on evangelization which creates confusion 
among the religions and bring disunity in the country. Evangelization must be 
stopped. Let the population grow within the religions. Church should not 
criticize another religion. Let all the religions grow freely. Church leaders 
must spend crores of rupees for the upliftment of the Dalit and Trible 
Christians rather than on evangelization.
(b) The Poor Christian Liberation Movement feels that a time has come when 
pluralistic societies are to be accepted. It has already been done in the 
Western Christians countries. Therefore the focus on fraudulent conversion and 
only increasing number of “rice Christians” would not really serve the Lord 
Jesus Christ. The Church in India needs to promote multi culturalism and inter 
faith dialogues. 
(c) In order to facilitate resource for education and training for the children 
of the poor Christians particularly girls a 1000 crore rupee fund be created in 
India by the Church. Such fund would help the Christian community to become 
self sufficient in the long run.
We feel that the time has come for Christians in India to suggest their 
Christian brethren and sisters in the West that all afforts must be made to 
make the community self sufficient and not dependent. We the Christians in 
India wish that the foreign funds must be diverted to poor people of Africa .
 (d) We strong feel that the Church leaders should prove themselves as 
good shepherds who can lead their sheep selflessly and serve OUR LORD Jesus 
Christ as per his teachings. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the 

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