Mario wrote:
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> Even with my less-than-Ph.D. education I can deduce
> from all my extensive research that Edward will 
> never be a Ph.D.:-))
> >
> Q.E.D.
> >
> I think Edward is just having some fun with the 
> Ph.D.s on Goanet, some of whom - not most - 
> certainly have delusions of superiority, but who 
> should respond accordingly, something 
> like, "Edward, you are absolutely correct.  You 
> have the wisdom of Solomon and Bill Gates combined, 
> and we Ph.D.'s are just a bunch of Einstein 
> wannabes.  Do you have a job for us where we can 
> dirty our hands?":-))
Seb dc responds:
Appologies for burting in...but MG dear, do you have
or do you not? You seem to be unsure of yourself
here... all said in one post
Mario asks:
Apology accepted, Seb.  But, what is your question? 
You seem to have lost your train of thought, and your
ability to spell, in the middle of your sentence:-))
Seb dc wrote:
PS : Plz do not reply. The less said, the better.
Mario responds:
Thanks.  Every day I wake up is a nice day, Seb.  But
I agree with you.  The less you say the better:-))

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