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Averthanus L. D'Souza.


            While the entire world is celebrating World Environment Day as
recommended by the United Nations,   the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) of the Government of India is engaged in an exercise which is
calculated to destroy the very fragile coastal environment of this large

            On the 1st. of May 2008 the MoEF  issued a public notice
announcing that it was intending to introduce new legislation in Parliament
to replace the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991, which was
notified  under the Environment Protection Act of 1986.  The new
Notification which is to be issued will be called the Coastal Zone
Management notification (CZM)  The Government of India has provided  60 days
for the public to respond to this notice and submit its observations,
objections, recommendations and comments to the MoEF.

            The original CRZ Notification of 1991  was intended to preserve
and conserve the fragile ecology of the nation's almost 8,000 km. coast,
which, among other things,  provides livelihood to nearly 5 million  coastal
families who live in approximately 3200 coastal hamlets (CMFRI Census 2005)
whose subsistence is almost entirely dependent on fishing and fish
processing.    Besides this, the rich marine resources and the delicate
relationship between the sea and the land is at risk of being destroyed by
the growing pressures of physical "development"  which is encroaching upon
the coastal areas.     This development along the coast is largely (but not
solely) propelled by the tourism industry which has its eyes on the growing
tourist interest in sun-kissed beaches and warm tropical waters.  The
tourism industry wants to put up luxury hotels right on the beaches so that
their customers  can walk into the sea straight from the hotel lobby.

            Under  political pressure from  the tourism and building
industries the CRZ Notification of 1991 was amended at least 19 times,
diluting the very purpose of the Notification and thus making it practically
impotent.   This was in addition to the fact that the Government of India as
well as the State Governments had adopted a lackadaisical attitude to the
question of conservation of the natural resources of India's coastal areas.
Governments were lethargic to the large-scale violations of the CRZ
Notification, not only by the promoters of Hotels, but also by the Real
Estate developers.  The CRZ violations were ignored in spite of  protests by
citizens and environmental groups.     

            The Ministry of Environment and Forests then appointed a
Commission in July 2004 headed by  Prof. M.S. Swaminathan  to review the CRZ
Notification of 1991 and to make recommendations to the MoEF.  The
Swaminathan Commission submitted its Report to the MoEF in February 2005.
The current exercise of the MoEF to replace the CRZ Notification of 1991 by
a new Notification to be called the Coastal Zone Management  Notification is
purportedly in pursuance of the recommendations of the Swaminathan

            There has been widespread criticism of the Swaminathan Report,
which is alleged to have capitulated to the pressures of industry.  The most
significant criticism is that the fishing communities, which are most
affected by any regulations, were not consulted in the process of preparing
the Report, even though there is  an observation by Prof. Swaminathan that
they should be consulted.    The critics of the Report point out that there
are contradictions in the Report.   Furthermore, it is alleged that the
proposed Notification contains extrapolations which were not contained  in
the Swaminathan Report.

            Looking at the situation closer at hand, with regard to the
performance of the Government of Goa,  we find that the Government has been
very apathetic to the numerous violations of the CRZ Rules.    Illegal
constructions have cropped up  all along the coast, and the Ministers appear
to be complicit in the violations of the Rules.   This means that even if
there are laws to safeguard the environment,  the Government itself is
guilty of infringing the laws.    A mere change made by the Central
Government from the Coastal Regulation Zone notification, 1991 to a new
Coastal Zone Management  will appear to be a mere eyewash.   When the Goa
Government has not shown any seriousness to implement the CRZ Notification
till now,  there is no reason to expect any better performance under the CZM

            The beautiful State of Goa appears to be caught in a pincer
movement with regard to its environment.  On the one hand the mining lobby
is devastating the forests, the villages and the inland waterways, and on
the other hand  the coast is being devastated by the tourism and real estate

            The citizens of Goa have awakened to the unreliability of the
Government(s) of Goa to safeguard their interests.   Panchayat after
Panchayat and Gram Sabha after Gram Sabha has risen up to protect the
interests of the villages, notwithstanding the influence and power of the
local politicians.    Some puerile lawyers have asserted that Gram Sabhas do
not have any  authority in matters of  land development.   Such
narrow-minded lawyers should learn to think outside their legal boxes and
grasp the importance of the desire of the people to preserve their
environment and the natural resources of their villages.    It has been said
that the Law is an ass;  but with some lawyers, it has transmogrified into a
ravenous wolf which seeks to wreck destruction on the people.   It is time
that lawyers opt to be on the side of the people rather than on the side of
the law, when the law becomes oppressive and unjust.   It is very
unfortunate, indeed, that not only the Government, but its law-making
function have fallen prey to big businesses whose main interest is to amass
fortunes in the shortest possible time, irrespective of the damage that they
cause to the natural, cultural, social and environmental health of the


Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula,  Goa 403 004.

Tel: 2453628.

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