As usual, Rajiv Desai has produced a well written and very interesting article.
To me this is the first comment I have read that tackles this very
important Indian issue.

The privilegentsia exists in Canada too but they are a dying breed.
They come from the old Scottish financiers and builders of the
Canadian Nartional Railways and the Banks and Financial Institutions
that make up Toronto's Bay Street. There were challenged by the Jewish
community but were able to withstand the assault. The latter now
occupy the second rung of this priviligentsia in Canada.

There are of course a few Indian lone rangers like Prem Watsa of
Fairfax Holdings who are in the same league but kept at a distance
from the Bay Street crowd. Nevertheless they occupy their niche and
cannot be ignored due to their genius and financial clout.

There are many capable Indian and Chinese immigrants who are well
qualified and proven enough to get senior executive positions but are
denied them. There is a sort of glass ceiling imposed. With some
exceptions like Bharat Masrani of TD Financial Group who ranks along
with the Chairman of one of Canada's big 5 banks, the ceiling for
Indians generally remains at the Vice Preseident level.

Not for long. Indians and Chinese are now the major enrollment at
Canadian Universities and it will only be a matter of time that the
Big Boys of Bay Street will die off and their children, unable or
uninclined to keep their fathers' stranglehold on what used to be
their family fief, will have no choice but to place the Canadian
Indian and Chinese second and third generation in key positions.

It's a matter of numbers and the Canadian system of student loans that
offers every Canadian boy and girl who wishes to study to whatever
level, the ability to finance their own education if parents are
unable to afford it.

It is mostly this taking of loans and repayment of them that engenders
humility and respect and prevents occurence of the phenom of louts in
India that Rajiv talks about.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Rajiv Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tuesday, June 17, 2008
> Education: India's Achilles Heel
> Caught between Elitism and Crassness

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