Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:54:56 +0530
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc?o    
A divorcee who had a holiday romance in Goa with a man
25 years her junior has been left "penniless and
terrified" after being conned out of more than
Patrina Churm, 55, flew to the Indian beach resort
after the break up of her marriage and the death of
her father and fell for a toyboy lover who she first
met on a beach holiday 16 years ago selling
She sold up her life in England and set up a home with
him in Kashmir, but she says he emptied her bank
account, leaving her just ?2.17, and then abandoned
her for a local girl. 
Mario wonders:
Kitem mhontai, re?
Can you please explain how this sorry tale has
anything to do with the thousands of law abiding
migrants who are sustaining Goa's economy today while
making an honest living for their families?
Did it escape your attention that the reprobates who
raped and killed the equally naive Scarlett Keeling
were all Goans?

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