I am definitely returning my tickets to the Junior Menezes tiatr in
Toronto in July.

I have just discovered another far better show on Goanet between Barad
and Govekar. It has intrigue, insult, butler English, and comedy.

The only other vital ingredient missing is love and romance. A
challenge to the Goanet female readers or writers.

Any more of this and I shall even stop watching my favorite "Air
Farce", "22 minutes" and the gags on Comedy Club in Montreal.

Keep at it guys, we are enjoyong ourselves.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 4:40 AM, Dr. U. G. Barad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me insert my responses Paragraph wise to a message of Satyavan Govekar
> (Ref. Message: 8 Date: 18 Jun 2008):
> Satyavan Wrote: Dotor Barad first learn to read. Rajan bab told me that and
> I immediately became extra smart. So you must read properly and tell me how
> I am anti BJP. Dotor Anand wrote same thing and then atleast he had courtesy
> to say sorry. But you don't seem like someone who will say sorry even if
> patient dies. Do not get angry I know you are not medical dotor. Saiba
> bogus. Second word is in English.
> My response: You must thank Rajan for making you EXTRA SMART within a short
> time!
> I think you read my message addressed to you in mad rush. Please read it
> once more (my original message is appended here below) I have very clearly
> written - let people call you Anti-BJP, Anti-Brahmin, Anti-everything... I
> think the words used by me are LET PEOPLE CALL YOU conveys sense and
> meaning. I have never called you so. It's your negative logic that makes you
> feel that I am calling you so!!OR is it the effect of Rajan that made you
> TOO SMART!! If so, Rajan must start consultancy / couching in this
> direction. Will he?
> Satyavan wrote: I know where Rajan goes for gym because he himself is
> writing about it on goanet. What man Dotor you are not understanding that I
> am just following his advice to read. Bigger joke is now I will be reading
> more about what you are writing. Rajan bab is good person in wrong company
> of party defectors like Soter and you.
> My response: Thanks for the clarification about Rajan's going to Gym.
> I write on Goanet for all Goanet members to read and it's up to individual
> member(s) to read OR not to read. Till date I don't even know who reads my
> messages on Goanet or who carries them to other net (Pretending!). But now I
> am confident that I have at least one reader who reads or will start reading
> my messages. Want you? (Answer this question only after readying entire
> message - Don't make another mad rush)
> Next, till date I don't belong to any party or member of any party. Get this
> FACT right! (Inquire with your own Congress Backed In-trust [CBI agency]!!!)
> Satyavan wrote: But since you are making such acusation against me are you
> telling that you are pro BJP, pro Brahmin and pro everything. You have no
> shame in even telling lie that you love reading my messages.
> My response: In this case too I must say that it's your own logic &
> interpretation!! As far as Brahmin is concerned I am very much on record in
> Goanet. Check archives'.
> Secondly in this very Para you wrote - You have no shame in even telling lie
> that you love reading my messages.
> My response to this very line is READ THIS PRESENT MESSAGE TILL THE END and
> you will realize for your self as to who has SHAME or otherwise.
> Satyavan wrote: And why you want my contact address to send goondas or what.
> You give me your contact address and I will come and see you properly. We
> have seen many like you. Altodi and Poltodi.
> My response: It's well known - Guilty Conscience Pricks the Mind.
> What's this - goondas - you are talking / writing about?
> Also just check your last line i.e. we have seen many like you - This line
> indicates that this message which you posted to Goanet is not solely written
> by you but either dictated or inserted by a group of persons that you are
> purporting to be representing!!! This looks more obvious because from start
> of the message you have been using - I - first person, singular, while in
> this line you used word WE. Who are these WE!
> Secondly, when you have written much more than I know myself about me!
> (Whether right or wrong is another debate altogether) makes me believe that
> you also know where I stay. You are welcomed to meet me ONLY after prior
> appointment. (Don't be surprised!!)
> Although Goanet does not insist identity details of a person TO BE A MEMBER
> OF GOANET it should be one's moral responsibility as a true member of Goanet
> to come forward and share one's identity when any other member of Goanet
> puts out such request. Non disclosure of identity despite request raises
> suspensions in the mind of members about the authenticity of an individual.
> Remember, one cannot fool all the members all the time!
> Satyavan bubble (SB) is bust open! Satyavan bubble is located!! Satyavan
> bubble despite being extraordinarily intelligent, as he claims to be (now I
> would not say Rajan made him EXTRA SMART) SHOULD HAVE NEVER TAKEN THE
> SHELTER UNDER FAKE ID only to write rubbish and unwanted and that too
> disguising as though - not so much educated - as though not having much
> command on English. Interestingly, Satyavan bubble did not realize that the
> shelter which he took tarnished the image of all GOVEKAR'S of Goa. Is this
> the CLASSIC CASE of Goan v/s non Goan! OR GBA v/s GPA!!!
> P. S. please keep writing / exchanging views about GBA v/s GPA and about
> personalities from Goa who are either in GBA or GPA including others who are
> not in either GBA or GPA BUT ONLY AFTER DISCLOSING your TRUE ID. P. S.
> otherwise all you're PRESENT AND PAST POSTINGS TO GOANET (including your
> messages under original ID) will only ruin the organization(s) you impress
> to be representing!!
> Are you still interested in digging your own grave!! Would you? If so .
> please continue...
> May be William Shakespeare envisaging such things to surface out, in
> advance, must have tossed a quote - This above all; to thine own self be
> true.
> Meaning - first be true to you.
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad
> *******Appended here below is my original message to Satyavan *******
> Satyavan Govekar, let people call you Anti-BJP, Anti-Brahmin,
> Anti-everything. But I love reading your messages. Apparently you appear to
> know most of the personalities from Goa Inside Out including where Rajan
> Parrikar goes for his GYM.
> I would be very happy to meet you in person and discuss with you on various
> issues but primarily in the interest of Goa.
> In this connection may I have your contact address and your contact
> telephone (land & mobile) numbers? This will help me to fix up a mutually
> suitable date for our interactions.
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad

Roland Francis

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