Mervyn Lobo writes:
>>Sandeep, you have great mentors!
>>There is nothing creative about Rajans coarse language. I can send you two 
>>different emails of what followed from Rajan.
>>It may be beautiful language to you, I find it disgusting. You can also ask 
>>Miguel how he interpreted Rajan's 'literal' language.


I quoted "Osho" not because I consider him as my spiritual Guru but
simply to illustrate that words that may sound vulgar in one context
may not really be vulgar when used in a different context. Nothing
more and nothing less!

Let me now take the extreme position and come on your side. I'll now
grant it to you that his post may be crude and vulgar, but even then
the fuss over it is needless. The story of Buddha's response to the
angry young man who tried to insult him by spitting venom and abuse at
his face comes to my mind.  The Buddha simply asked the man if people
ever visited him in his home. Surprised at the change of topic, the
man answered yes. The Buddha then asked if his visitors ever brought
gifts. When the man replied yes again, the Buddha asked what would
happen if he refused to accept the gifts? Who would the gifts belong
to then? The man said that, of course, they would still belong to
those who brought them. The Buddha then calmly said, "In the same way,
since I do not accept your insults, they remain with you."

Rajan's post, however crude and vulgar it may have been, should have
been ignored likewise. He probably used that kind of language to get
on someone's nerves and by being upset; you all gave him what he
actually wanted. If you would have ignored him, he would have ended up
looking like a fool himself. On a related note, I overheard two kids
fighting on the street the other day, probably over a similar silly
thing. One kid kept on abusing while the other stayed cool and calm,
absolutely unaffected by the barrage of insults. After some time, the
unaffected kid simply replied: "I'm made of rubber; you're made of
glue, and everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

Maybe this little kid can teach us important lessons in life. Let's
simply ignore all the insults that are hurled our way and they will no
longer be ours. They will simply stick to haunt those who choose to
throw them.  However good Rajan may be as Pravin has repeatedly tried
to illustrate, it is equally true that some of his thoughts are not
compatible in a vibrant progressive democracy. Let's choose wise ways
to respond to him. We will ignore the obscene vulgar stuff!


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